Takeshi thought his little move there had been fairly clever, yet of course Viral found fault in it. Maybe dropping his weapon like that was a bit unnecessary, he'd figured doing that would throw a person off, but maybe not. Being faster, it was always an issue of speed for him. If he was as hyperactive as Shu was this wouldn't be such a challenge for him, he didn't have that speed his brother did. Well, now was probably a good time to take a break from training. He'd nearly shat himself and Viral seemed to be out of it, they could both use a break. Takeshi moved to leave the room, but not before double checking with the Beastman that things were alright. Something had seemed off, he knew he had seen it, but would Viral own up to it? Evidently not, he was as rough and dismissive as ever. Smiling exasperatedly the Saiyan sighed, nodding his head before rubbing at it a bit. "Alright... Well I'll keep quiet if nothing's wrong. But go see Vegeta if that happens again, okay? You kinda seemed to zone out, though maybe you're tired or something, I don't know." Shrugging his shoulders he turned around again, waving casually back at his friend, "See you later, Viral. And thanks for the lesson!" They would have to do this again, he really wanted to learn more now. Sure, it hadn't been anything major, but he liked to think a little progress had been made. It was only uphill from there. Yumi rolled her eyes a bit, smiling before wagging a finger at Shu. "Takeshi is... Well he's average. He knows a little, sure, but I wouldn't say he's smart really. He's a lot like a... I don't know, an eight grader maybe? Or a freshman. In other words, he knows some things, but there's a lot he's missing." There was only so much one could teach themselves, especially with someone like Takeshi who she didn't see having all that much patience for learning. "There's things besides book smart too. Vegeta is really book smart, he knows a lot of information. But someone like you... You just pick up things quick. You're easy to train, you learned things that take people a long time to learn. Between the two of us, I think you're better at Ki stuff than Takeshi is, he just uses it more." Shu was certainly better than she was, of that she was convinced. He only just relearned most of it and yet he was as every bit capable as the rest of them were now, after knowing for so long. Who knows just how good at it he'd get after a while longer, there was no telling really. "Boats can be pretty safe, yes. The same boat means you're both in the same position. Uh... That you're the same, I guess," Yumi said, trying to simplify things. Right, colloquialisms were still a little lost on Shu, probably best to try and avoid those. It wasn't really something that came up a ton, otherwise she might stop them there and go into it a bit. She had never instructed Shu before, but it wasn't something she'd mind doing too terribly much. Back on track, they had to figure out this transformation of his, or at the very least attempt to. By now Yumi was pulling at straws, having no idea what may work for the young Saiyan. "It's not that hard, but if you're afraid to try it then we can think of something else," she said, smiling kindly, "I guess the big thing is just finding a way to help with your anger. Of course, I've never changed like you, so I don't really know what that's like. But... Maybe asking Viral would be a good idea? He changes too, sometimes when he gets angry. Or... Have you asked Takeshi? He might have changed before, he could have a way to help it." Vegeta was still locked in his room, as he had been for a few hours now. Before him was the compilation of both his and Sayomi's research on Viral. Every detail, from blood work to genetic mapping, observational writings and interviews even, it was all there. Obviously something was wrong, one didn't need all this data to see that. One only had to look at the Beastman to witness that, it wasn't difficult. What was challenging however was finding the reasons for why something was wrong, and pinpointing precisely what that issue was. Nothing that they had gathered suggested any obvious issues, no matter how much he poured over it all. Sighing softly Vegeta lowered his head, closing his eyes as he ran a hand through his peaked hair. The answer had to be in here somewhere, he just wasn't seeing it. Some tiny discrepancy, some hint, it just had to be here. Unless they somehow physically delved into Viral's mind they couldn't get any more information, what he had held the key... Somewhere.