Jhett could hear Yvette's voice, and something in him snapped, he started to fight the feeling of sleep and he struggled to open his eyes. He couldn't get them to open, he was so tired, "I don't....want...sleep." He could barely formulate his words, he didn't know if he had gotten enough out for her to understand that he didn't want to fall asleep, but he was afraid it might be too late. ______________________ *Nix everything about Brooke before* Brooke awoke to find herself on a beach, sand was places it shouldn't be and her clothes were soaked and torn. What the hell had happened last night? She glanced around and saw nothing but sand, till she hit the ocean. Then she saw what had happened, the ship! It was wrecked, and split in two. It appeared to be sinking...Brooke stood up and saw some figure down the beach from her, they looked to be running around frantic. Brooke started running towards them, waving her arms and yelling. "Hey hello!"