'Oh my god, he is totes adorbs!' Abby mentally squealed when she saw Prospero get embarrassed over his failed attempt to be sneaky. She giggled under her breath while she followed her boss and Ben to Daisuke's house. She briefly wondered why they were meeting there. Usually they would go to Naoto's house to train but maybe they weren't doing that today (which actually would be fantastic). "I wonder what Sonya needs to tell us." She voiced her thoughts as they neared what she assumed was Daisuke's home. It was pretty quaint and looked a lot nicer than the farmhouse she was living in. The blond was actually kind of jealous. A lady opened the door and gave them all a lovely smile before ushering all of them inside. She lead them all to the dining room where Abby was quite surprised to see Hajime sitting at the head of the table. Sitting beside him was Sonya as well as Daisuke. Further down the table sat Artemis, Jakki, Fionn and- "Cyril? Are you okay?" Abby asked. The usually angry teen looked solemn and sleep deprived. Before she could comprehend her actions, the blond was already by his side with a concerned look on her face. "Everyone take a seat." Sonya interrupted Cyril's answer as she gestured to the empty seats, "You can chat later." Abby quickly shut her mouth and took a seat, waiting for the rest of her friends to get settled. Once everyone was seated, the red-haired woman turned her attention to the man sitting at the head of the table with the rest of the room following her gaze.