Very funny. Calder would have previously said these two had nothing in common but now that they had agreed that letting him dangle above the water was amusing- he disagreed with that earlier conclusion. In some ways it was ironic because his father had once been in a similar situation and now [I]here[/I] he was, feeling like the evening’s catch. Unfortunately enough, he didn’t pin this dragon as the forgiving type. He kicked his feet and grasped at Blizzard’s legs struggling for some semblance of control should he decide to drop him- all the while still holding onto the sheep without thinking about why. “That water is below freezing!” He shouted in protest. “You wouldn’t dare!” Blizzard let the boy slid a few inches from his grasp before tightening it again. “Okay! Okay! I’m sorry. Please do NOT dunk me in the freezing ocean.” Blizzard hardly counted that- not thinking this Viking boy even knew what he was apologizing for but he had gotten such amusement out of shaking him up he decided to let it go. Flinging him onto the icy shore before landing himself. The nadder settled down a moment later, puffing up like an insulted bird and rattling her spikes. She snapped harmlessly as Blizzard who stuck up his nose and ignored her. “Bluebell!” Calder called as he picked himself up, dropping the disoriented sheep and brushing himself down- the nadder immediately turned towards its rider but not without one last intimidating glare. He stepped towards the pair with obvious irritation over being treated such a way: “You know that does not count as a win?” Blizzard spread his wings and exposed his teeth with a snarl, forcing Calder to withdraw. The boy regarded Blizzard warily and mumbled: “ill tempered lizard.”