[quote=Rilla] I don't experience that too much honestly. my biggest issue in that vein, is telling people to get to X place to start, but they take forever. partially my fault for not just starting them there. But still, they take their precious time. In Allaria, I usually set it up so they know where to to go in their first/second posts. [/quote] In my RP, I thought it a grand idea to start 20 players off in a dungeon - with the obvious aim of escaping into the wider sandbox world. A sort of semi-tutorial phase, if you will, that was supposed to be quickly skimmed over so that the RP could properly begin. Well, about 30,000 words and ten frustrated drop outs later, we finally made it into day light. Yup, from now on I'm throwing people into where they need to be at the start.