It wasn't long before Iosif and Tanya had been left to handle mop-up work whilst Saseen and the drell headed off to annex the rest of the ship for the Systems Alliance of Let's-Fuck-Siame, and so he quickly took an opportunity to close in when a brief window appeared. Of course, it wasn't long before he noticed Tanya setting her sights on a target, so he threw yet another suppressive barrage towards the two remaining opponents and whilst Tanya had chosen the joy of dealing with an asari, Iosif was left to tackle his fellow man. The distinct crackle and hiss of a prematurely overheated rifle from the former was Iosif's cue to turn his sights on the latter. Punching in yet another one of his favourite omni-tool binds, a crackle of flame licked across the unlucky bastard's visor and left him disoriented, giving Iosif a window to finish him off with another burst of fire from his M-8. When his eyes shifted across the room to scan for Tanya and her asari target, he witnessed her shaking off the aftereffects of a biotic blast. Obsserving her direction, he answered with a simple but effective nod and followed suit, once more opting to give his Avenger a rest from anymore heat build-up and slipping out his M-6 for some close-and-personal action, just in case any of the remaining crew - if there were any - still wanted to fight a lost battle. At any rate, it seemed he'd spoken too soon when they stumbled upon Kosso and Saseen engaged in a standoff with the remaining crew members; a poor excuse for a defending force if he'd ever seen one. None of them seemed to be equipped beyond their sidearms, and it seemed as if they could've made short work of them if they decided to pull something stupid. Unlikely when it came to Siame and their professional image, but all the same he gave each of them a look over. Neither of the two salarians didn't strike him as hardened veterans outside of a ship, whilst the turian seemed oddly 'alien' outside of any armour, yet all the same he didn't strike Iosif as a softie somehow. The buzzcut weapon systems operator struck him as a hardass type who's temper threatened to get the better of him, but the one that Iosif was weary of the most was the asari. In the end, it fell down to the simple matter of biotics. It was probably one of the few things he actually hated about asari and with good reason, so he kept his sights set on that one just as a precaution. After Tanya eventually spoke up to ask which of their motley crew was actually qualified to help run the ship, Iosif quickly gave an answer. "I say we can, and from the looks of it we've got all the right people. Aside from that dropship back there, I can handle co-piloting, navigation and so." Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the ship's original navigator offer him a death glare. That warranted a smirk, at least. His own 'fuck you too, Siame', even if it was just one gesture at a time.