[center]"[i]Reaching... reaching... reaching![/i]"[/center] Not a single bit of luck today, stretching really wasn't the best method to height growth. And it's awful annoying when you're trying to keep yourself athletically valid to all the teams you've applied to join, but just can't seem to gain any weight, can't seem to grow any taller. It was lost cause, it really was, and if she wasn't so stubborn about the whole ordeal.. Well then, she'd have given up by now. Such is the daily routine for Claire, within her confines she'd exercise regularly, always keeping active to strive off that boredom, to keep herself interested in the world around her. But it was right after her little stretching effort that some big news came in. “[b]Attention all players. I, the Black King, ruler of the Ebony Strykers, am allowing any and all to join my Guild. This will be the first time I have done so in the entirety of Deep Ground’s launch. Please, choose your allies wisely.[/b]” Words from the figure of myth, the legend, [The Black King]. And oh such big news it was, and she knew exactly who would want to hear it. More importantly, someone who wouldn't have heard already. Before she could even muster up the thought in her head, Claire bolted out, down the hallway past a few fellow students recklessly bumping into a few of them, unfortunately she was in too much of a rush to apologize. Ignoring some less than favorable comments, she'd finally reach the stairwell, stepping quickly and uncannily downstairs and into another larger hallway that held some more focused locations. One in particular was her destination. She made a left, continuing her rush to the very end to find a room that was labeled quite decoratively [Purple Crown Library] above the double doors. Swinging them open mindlessly and more so 'noisily', Claire made her way to the tables and chairs at the furthest corner of the room where the quieter students liked to study in peace. That peace which was probably abruptly ended by her entrance. Some recognizable students were within the area, but none were the target she had just been looking for. Stomping loudly she continued her search until the sight of her friend was finally in view, quickly, she quieted down and slid into the chair next to Haruka. Sliding her own arm in a strangely suggestive way against her friend's, Claire bowed her head down and whispered as quietly as she could. "[i]Attention all players. I, the Black King, ruler of the Ebony Strykers, am allowing any and all to join my Guild. This will be the first time I have done so in the entirety of Deep Ground’s launch. Please, choose your allies wisely. Not even ten minutes ago was this message sent out, and I figured you'd want to know.[/i]"