[B][U]"The Battle of Homestead"[/U][/B] Suddenly all around Homestead Gunfire rang out as the people began trying to repel the invaders. Nate one of those raiders sought the better part of valor in his own way by diving under the hospital's porch. His raiders where being cut down brutally by overlapping fire and he knew that when this was over he'd get chewed out but it wasn't his fault. Hal Peters heard the distant gunfire and ordered his men to crank up his war machines. They weren't military vehicles but they had been armored with steel of rail cross ties and each sported an M-60 in roof hatches. All fitted for off-road the 6 diesel engined trucks rumbled forward followed closely by infantry. "LIGHT EM UP!" Shouted the self declared Warchief The Trucks flipped on the 5 million candle power spotlights mounted in the passenger sides hoods an the spot men bathed the buildings in blinding light. Hal Peters counted on the bright lights to startle, blind an frighten the farmers who now tried to resist him. It had worked in the past so he had no doubt that it wouldn't work this time, that is before the Homesteaders fired three bright battle field illumination flares. The three miniature suns glowed an erie red as they swung from their parachutes descending slowly from around two-thousand feet. "Dam now we're exposed" he cursed as his machines began taking fire. He slapped the back of his personal bodyguard's head when he saw one roof gunner slump over his M-60 a victim of sniper fire. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The people who couldn't fight were herded down into the underground maze of protective bunkers beneath Homestead. The men and women of Homestead had manned pill boxes or were manning pill boxes as the invaders found out that they'd chosen to attack a badger instead of a chicken. Designed like the ones used by the Viet Chong and laid out by men who knew their deadly abilities the pill boxes began cutting down the invading force. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Karen heard the gunfire and bridled at the fact she had to stay where she was when she thought of the help she could be out there where bodies were being ripped by lead, copper an steel.