[b]@Imperium:[/b] [hider=Map][b]White:[/b] Traversable tile. [b]Black:[/b] Non-traversable tile, man-made. (Ex: Walls.) [b]Brown:[/b] Non-traversable tile, nature. (Ex: Cliffs, cavern walls.) [b]Green:[/b] Doors, open-able or lockpick-able or destroy-able. [b]Flor:[/b] Florence. [b]E1:[/b] Entrance/Exit 1. Go here and you'll leave the dungeon. This is the overview. During a battle (which you're likely about to have), I can zoom the map into certain areas. Ergo as the map gets bigger, battles shouldn't be clusterfucky. :sun [img]http://i.imgur.com/duBYHoA.jpg[/img] [b]"BOROV IT LOOKS LIKE KD ART"[/b] Well you know what it probably is shut up. :lol[/hider] Also protip: When an NPC tells you to go first, he really means it. Florence is a leader but not a front liner. He can't do tactical overviews for his soldiers and give you bonuses as a result if he has to fend for his own life. Also, you're not on the map yet because I'm letting you position yourselves wherever you please. :hehe [b]@Liveria:[/b] [hider=Map][b]White:[/b] Traversable tile. [b]Black:[/b] Non-traversable tile, man-made. (Ex: Walls.) [b]Brown:[/b] Non-traversable tile, nature. (Ex: Cliffs, cavern walls.) [b]Red:[/b] Extremely heavy and resilient doors, cannot be opened without magical aid or a lever. [b]NOTE:[/b] Elrbetrt Westfeld's man servant isn't shown on the map as he is not relevant to combat and his presence would only prove to be needless clutter. For the sake of uniformity since everyone is tightly packed, your name is [b]below[/b] your circle, always, until y'all break up a bit from that clump. Elr_1=Elrithos. Elr_2=Elrbetrt Westfeld Sel=Ceann And=Andrea Gab=Gabriel Ray=Rayvon Prin=Princess Mila=Mila... Duh? ORC_A1 = First Archer. ORC_A2 = Second Archer. Orc_LEAD = Leader. Orc_C = Champion. ??? = Smaller green creatures, possible goblins, possible half-breed orcs. [b]NOTE:[/b] It is possible to see and attack the orcs up on the cliff now thanks to Gabriel. The cliff can be manually climbed, but it'll take one whole posting round to do so and you'll be vulnerable while doing so. You can issue suggestions/orders to the NPC's and they'll try to comply if they can see the logic in it, but be aware if you take too long to try and explain your plan, they'll disregard you to avoid getting killed in the middle of your speech. The orcs up where Selvi is do have a height advantage against anyone on ground level if they get the chance to attack. [img]http://i.imgur.com/7m4H6GB.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]@Free Holds:[/b] Yeah not sure about the whole questioning if Mikan can pull off a disguise as a spymaster bit. Hmm... :hehe Also Hellis didn't post this round... I see a familiar pattern brewing... [b]@Everyone:[/b] We're going back to weekly posts. SO GET TO IT. [youtube]lco9Ki-5qfQ[/youtube]