Alexander Atreides had kept to the shadows, lurking and watching as the crush of battle was met between the forces of Chaos and the Imperial forces, watching them clash and the key figures on both sides engaging in their actions, the Imperial forces routing even as their leadership tried to rally them. He smirked under his helmet, Reaver Long Rifle cradled in his arms as he scanned the fighting from his hidden firing position, having been watching for any special targets worth picking off. As the fighting swung around, he spotted an officer rallying the Imperials into falling back towards defensive position, and well, that would simply not do at all. Not one bit, the renegade sniper decided, he would have to do something about this man right now, regardless of the plans others in the fighting had for the man. Alexander calmly raised his rifle, settling his sights on the officer rallying the enemy forces and zeroing in the scope, the scope settling on target, and with a trigger squeeze, the rifle whispered rather than bark, silencer muffling the shot as it was discharged and sent hurtling right towards the Imperial officer. The poor sod didn't even have a chance to react or move, the round slamming clean into his neck and slaying the man without a chance to react, sending him hurtling to the ground, utterly dead before he even had a chance to land, and the renegade sniper smirked under his helmet, keeping low and not moving from his position, looking for the next target in the enemy forces, looking for another high value target that would further destabilize the enemy lines and actions, so their numbers would not do them any good in the fight. Cut off the head, and the beast will die, it was simple as that.