[quote=EmperorWeapon] So would petty Officer be able to fly then? What is the lowest available officer that can fly out of the navy? I kinda want my character to be always held back because of his attitude [/quote] The lowest naval officer rank that will allow you to fly in the US Navy is [O-1] Ensign, as you are required to have a degree and an officer's commission through an officer's school. The Federation has the same qualifications to fly, especially for pilots that are flying the new HI-10 Whirlwinds. [IMG=http://www.linganorenjrotc.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13876799/navy_officer_ranks.png] [quote=Mistress Dizzy] Half done with the profile, I apologize for my lateness.I figured there needs to be some kind of non-combat personnel on-board.If this character doesn't fit, I do have another idea. [/quote] Non-combat personnel are encouraged at this point. Feel free to post it whenever.