General Information Name: Sebastian Exler III Nickname: Seth , Bass Age: 16 Birthday: December 25th Gender: Male Relationship status: Single Year Level: Second Year Physical Appearance [img] [/img] Eye colour: Blue Gray Hair colour: Dirty blonde Skin colour: Slight tan Build of body: Just under 6 feet. Muscular, but lean because of all the cardio that he does. Personality Likes: Photographing everyone and everything, running, guitar, fire, and thrill-seeking. Fears: Losing his sister & claustrophobic. Personal goals: To be as strong as he possibly can without the help of daemon. Personality: Energetic & over-the-top. Seth, although he comes from a background that demands proper etiquette, has always been in a world of his own; rules just don’t exist. He is always up and about doing something whether it be hanging out with his friends, photographing the outdoors & his peers, exercising, or even on the rare occasion (when his energy has been all spent) taking a nap in the grass. However, his active lifestyle does distract him from his studies. He is always moving about, but he is not as smart as the rest of his family & especially his sisters. Usually he is bouncing off the walls and unable to control his own energy and enthusiasm, but sometimes you can catch him in a moment of peace when he has his camera in hand and is giving his full attention to whatever he wants his lens to capture. Seth teeters back and forth on the line of dedicated & obsessed because he always puts a 100% into everything he does. A lot of the time, he doesn’t know when to stop. And although he does seem like an open book, he does like to keep a few things just to himself. He just wants to know everything about everyone and everything. His personality can be obnoxious and sometimes even burdening, but really he has everyone's best interest at heart. Relationships Father: James Exler II Mother: Maria Exler Sibling(s): Rose Exler (Older Sister by 2 years. Passed away 2 years ago.) Lily Exler (Younger sister by 2 years) Friends: Samantha Goldswood (A childhood friend) Partner: None Pet/(s): None Classes Compulsory Subjects: 1. English 2. Math Selective Subjects: 1. Woodwork 2. PE Specialized Subjects: 1. Daemonology 2. Combat 3. High Physical Education 4. Weaponry Background Bio: The Exler family is filthy rich - emphasis on the filthy. Although a part of the ‘upperclass’, the majority of James Exler’s money is dealt under the table. His family has deals with mafia, massive drug dealers, and even assassin's when necessary. However, even though the money is dirty, his parents are still very loving. The dirty trade is a secret from their children and Sebastian grew up in a good environment. All of the Exler children are loved by their parents and have received/are receiving high quality education. He was allowed to do any activity he pleased and was encouraged to do so. His rowdy behavior and loud mouth were chastised, but even still he was very accepted in his family. The only hardship Sebastian has known was the death/disappearance of his older sister. Other Other: Sebastian loved Rose dearly, but the two of them both had the ability to contract with daemons. Rose was only two years older, but, just like Sebastian, she had a tendency to become obsessed. She contracted daemon after daemon and one night after she had gone out to find more, she never came home. Rose was warned about giving up the years of her life for contracts with these beings, but she had never taken them seriously. Everyone assumed that she had given away too many years, but her body was never found. Ever since then Sebastian has made sure to deter Lily from contracting any daemons, if she even had the talent - he’s not even sure - , and would do anything to protect his remaining sister. Daemon - General Information Physical Appearance [img] [/img] Name: Cyphilia Species: Dragon & Eagle Gender: Female Class: C - Class Powers: The ability to fly and is able to carry Sebastian on her back. She is also extremely knowledgeable in a number of fields that range that can help in situations from outdoor survival to even computer science. She also allows Sebastian to see at far distances, send strong gusts of wind with her wings as well as use them as a shield, but they can only take so much. Extra: She is able to speak and has a personality of her own. She is the conscious that Sebastian lacks. When he is going too far or is acting out of pure emotion and being irrational, she is the first to tell him so - almost like the cartoon angel that sits on his shoulder and reminds him to act like a rational being. Physical Appearance [img] [/img] Species: Foxes Gender: Male & Female Class: C - Class Powers: Can only speak to Sebastian through telepathy. They give Sebastian speed. Also, they are able to create an illusion of two Sebastians, but only for a very short period of time (maximum 10 minutes). Only one of them has any real physical ability, the other basically a realistic hologram, and each one must be within at least 20 meters of one of the foxes. They also act as his pets and he adores them greatly.