[u][center]Donny Lee Yang - Arms Slave[/center][/u] Another day, another job. Some outlaw who couldn't quit his god-complex. Donny never met the guy himself either in real life or in game, and that was good; it made it easier to do what he was about to do. His contact told him what he needed to do to make sure this outlaw learned his lesson; kill his dog and put it's head into his lunch box. Child's play. Killing the pup wasn't too difficult, he just needed to attract it to the street right when a car rolled by. Road kill. After that he did his duty as a citizen and cleaned up the mess. Of course, he also tore the dog's head off it's corpse and wrapped the collar around what remained of it's neck. How else was he suppose to get it's head? Anyways, Donny was now washing his arms. They were a bloody mess, but luckily he pulled off the job easy enough. The outlaw was some sort of athlete so he left most of his stuff in the lockers. Donny went in, found his lock, placed the dog's head, and left without anyone none the wiser. Still it didn't really satisfy him. [i]"Just what he is suppose to think once he see's it? Someone killed his dog? Well... I guess there's always that. But now he's just going to be pissed all day."[/i] Sometimes Donny wondered why he does what he did. Mostly because he felt it was all pointless and petty. If someone really wanted to teach this guy a lesson, they should have tried to hit him with a car instead of his dog. But whatever. Someone get's their vengeance and Donny get's paid. But he'll have to log into Deep Ground to do that. Donny headed over to one of Purple's Academy many game centers. A place were all the students could get together and play Deep Ground. Donny himself had spent quite a bit of money to get himself a reserved room. He disliked how exposed he was playing Deep Ground in public, and he should know of it's dangers, as he's preformed jobs on many players who were logged into Deep Ground but neglected to protect their physical bodies. Once he entered his private room, securing it shut, he took a seat and allowed himself to enter the game. [b]"Showtime!"[/b] [center][b]Welcome, Arms Slave.[/b][/center] [i]“Attention all players. I, the Black King, ruler of the Ebony Strykers, am allowing any and all to join my Guild. This will be the first time I have done so in the entirety of Deep Ground’s launch. Please, choose your allies wisely.”[/i] That was one Arms Slave mind as he drove through the Faded City. There were plenty of rumors and conspiracies about who the Black King was or what the Ebon Strykers even did. Everything from posers claiming to be the Black King in disguise or part of his guild, but the only thing that could be taken for fact was that the Black King was currently Moon Rider. That was it; only a certain few knew anything else and they weren't saying anything. No one even knew what class Moon Rider was, though many would guess Assassin due to how variable it was and how appropriate it would be as a Black King. Even so, no one has ever actually fought against Moon Rider or met him or her in battle. It did bring to question just how Moon Rider got to level 9 since no one seems to ever had fought him or her. But these things didn't really matter to Arms Slave. Only two things mattered: Killing as many people as he can before his next birthday in ten months, and if the Black King can bring him the battles. Arms Slave didn't care for rankings or goals. Just to make the Faded City echo with the wails of the dying. [u][center]Restu Goroshi - Dark Wraith[/center][/u] Dark Wraith entered the halls of the Black King. There she sat on her throne, waiting for anyone to approach her. Dark Wraith should consider herself fortunate that she might have been the first to meet her, but she showed no joy. Dark Wraith was merely here to see the Black King herself, as well as to obtain the true identity of the Black King. Dark Wraith, or in this instance Restu, recorded the information she saw and stepped towards the Black King and into the light. Or at least a higher illumination than what was given in these dreary halls. [b]"Greetings... Moon Rider."[/b] Out of respect, Dark Wraith did not use the Black King's real name, not like how she would with others. Better to not anger the strongest of the Ebon Strykers so early. Dark Wraith wanted to rise up in the ranks of the guild, for the authority and power it held. She didn't have plans to usurp the thrown and given how elusive the Black Guild operates she doubt that she would even be eligible if she chose to duel Moon Rider for the title. Than again, the Black Guild was so reclusive and secretive, no one knows what they've been doing. They were an enigma; such a powerful force within the game, yet there was no proof or evidence of their actions. They merely exist. And Dark Wraith aimed to change this. The Black Guild had too much potential to try to play the exclusive but functionally useless club. Now that the Black King herself finally opened up public applications, perhaps now they can actually do something in the Faded City. [b]"I am Dark Wraith, and I would like the join the Ebon Strykers. I'd imagine that is a lot of work to be done now that you've declare war against the guilds."[/b]