"Hmm?" Alex mumbled, turning to face him from the kitchen. She had already taken the first bite of her dinner. She swallowed before she gave him a response. "I'm not sure," Alex leaned against the counter as she spoke, "You were quite sincere in your apology, and the incident was my fault to begin with. Sorry about that. Plus, I could always use the good karma." She crossed the room the stand next to Loki, seated in a leather chair. "Honestly, I think I decided to help you because you seemed like a nice guy. Odd, but nice. Nice guys are pretty rare in New York." Alex paused to take another bite of her Hot Pocket, which she held in her left hand. "Your home sounds like a wonderful place," she sarcastically remarked, "At least you have two people who care about you. You could have no one. Count your blessings, I suppose." Her face grew dark as she said those last two sentences. In silence, she attempted to summon another smile, yet this one seemed more artificial than the last. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" Alex returned to the kitchen, eager to change the topic.