EDIT: Oops. I'm a moron and forgot to finish one of the sections. Just a few minutes more EDIT 2: Okay, here it is. Full Name: Jinayah "Lovelace" Ifriti Gender: All? None? (Biologically female) Age: 20 Branch of Service: Navy Rank: (I need help with this.) Military Occupational Specialty: Mechanic Appearance: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/banditdorian/media/Jin%20pics/jourdan_dunn1.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v114/banditdorian/Jin%20pics/th_jourdan_dunn1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/banditdorian/media/Jin%20pics/jin_by_chenria-d6oikpg.png.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v114/banditdorian/Jin%20pics/th_jin_by_chenria-d6oikpg.png[/IMG][/URL] Personality: Jin is smart-mouthed and not afraid to be unique, but hides years of scars with tough behavior and posturing. Years on the street have left her with a difficulty trusting others with personal information. While the fellow officers do have at least Jin's respect, closeness is another story. She is happiest when at work, surrounded by oil and parts, motherboards and gears. However, when she isn't at work, she is utterly quiet. It isn't from shyness, it is more from an unwillingness to connect with others on a personal level. Especially since many on the ship are combat trained, she feels that getting to know someone who faces death would just lead to more loss. Biography: Jin was orphaned at an early age, coming from a city with a high crime rate. Her parents were both in the police force, as a detective and researcher. Unfortunately their lives were cut short, after the relatives of a criminal that her father put away took revenge on the family. Jinny managed to hide so far in her closet that she went unnoticed. She was left to the mercies of the foster care system soon after, which was decidedly unpleasant. Young Jin couldn't sleep at night, so she started to mess with the only interesting possession in the room. It was a retro alarm clock, the kind with bells and a tiny hammer. She examined it and messed with it, found an old hunk of a pen underneath the bed and took it apart piece by piece. It was dawn before she managed to put it back in working order. Her obsession only grew from there. In between moving between foster homes, and running away from those foster homes, Jin grew into a gangly, androgynous teenager. Her smart mouth got her in and out of trouble, and her sharp mind got her freelancing work fixing computers and vehicles. When she was finally kicked out of the system, a local recruiter who had heard of her convinced her to enlist. Despite not enjoying school or authority figures throughout her life, Jin managed to make it through her courses and even excel. While she has only the basic training required for a non-combatant on the ship, years of harsh life have left her with several skills that she would rather keep quiet about. She is excited to be on her first deployment, and is determined to keep the ship, fighters, and exo-skeletons in the best order.