[center] [b] Name:[/b] Dactrin Cole [b]Nickname:[/b] Dac [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Birthday:[/b] February 4th [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Relationship status:[/b] Single [b]Year Level:[/b] 2 [u][b]Physical Appearance[/b][/u] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/30dcl0n.jpg[/IMG] [b]Eye colour:[/b] Brown [b]Hair colour:[/b] Brown [b]Skin colour:[/b] Olive [b]Build of body:[/b] Muscular thick, stands at 5"9 ~200lbs [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] [b]Likes:[/b] Loves physical activity, specifically speed roping and lifting weights. Loves taking hikes with scenic views to clear his mind. Enjoys thrilling activities such as skydiving, mountain climbing, activities that test his inner strength and distract his busy mind. Enjoys reading and moments of solitude. [b]Fears:[/b] Failure and Rejection [b]Personal goals:[/b] To find the light demon Livala and seek revenge for his family. To be a strong and quick thinking daemon hunter, better than his father who was renowned back in the day [b]Personality:[/b] Dactrin is strong physically but emotionally he can be unstable at times. He is quick to frustration and anger and his stubborn attitude does not help. He is a risk taker and is not afraid to try new things. He is confident in himself and does very well, but when he does fail he judges himself the hardest and has a struggle to bring himself back in to focus. He is severely loyal to those he loves and feels he trusts enough to have a close relationship with. Currently he only has Bune to speak of. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Father:[/b] Xavier Cole [b]Mother:[/b] Adie Cole [b]Sibling(s):[/b] None [b]Friends:[/b] None. He has a hard time getting close to people and keeping friends [b]Partner:[/b] None [b]Pet/(s):[/b] None [u][b]Classes[/b][/u] [b]Compulsory Subjects:[/b] 1. English 2. Math [b]Selective Subjects:[/b] 1. Science - Psychology 2. PE - Health [b]Specialized Subjects:[/b] 1. Combat 2. Healing 101 3. Daemonology 4. High Physical Education [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [b]Bio:[/b] Dactrin's mother Adie became ill when he was just 11 years old. His father Xavier, a skilled daemon hunter, went searching for a daemon able to heal Adie to full health. Xavier found a demon by the name of Livala who said she could heal Adie in return for a very large portion of Xavier's soul. Livala showed her powers on a stray animal proving she could heal a creature even so close to death. Xavier, in haste to save his dying wife, quickly made contract with the daemon. What Livala failed to mention was that her ability to heal a body did not take away the fate of the individual. The healing was a surface healing, bringing one back to full strength only for their fate to be sealed in another way soon after. The stray animal was hit by a car later that day but Xavier never knew. Adie was restored to full health, Dactrin and his father celebrating her health. When out for dinner that night Adie was hit by a drunk driver and was killed instantly upon impact. Livala, a giddy light daemon, revealed herself to Xavier and explained to him her powers in full detail. Adies death was inevitable. Livala took Xavier's life within the same year. Dactrin was sent to school by his grandparents, having enough money from his parents to be funded through all of his education. He had to grow up very fast and lived a life very much on his own. Teacher's tried to get close to him offering emotional support but he stayed withdrawn. Eventually the staff left him alone since his grades were above average and he did no harm to anyone. Dactrin remained focused on honing his skills to be an even greater Daemon hunter than his father, quicker thinking. He vowed to find Livala and outwit her; he would get his revenge. He wasn't sure what his revenge would look like but he wanted Livala to suffer the way his family did, the way he has been since his parents' deaths. [b][u]LIVALA[/u][/b] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/vqr6zb.jpg[/IMG] [b]Other:[/b] Dactrin struggles with cognitive dissonance, battling between his desire for affection and love that was lost at a young age and the fear of rejection forcing him to stay withdrawn and emotionally unavailable or desirable. [b][u]Daemon[/u][/b] [b]Physical Appearance[/b] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2envqr7.jpg[/IMG] A large wolf species, body spanning 6 feet without its tail. Beau is strong enough to let Dactrin ride him. [b]Name:[/b] Beau [b]Species:[/b] Large Wolf [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] C [b]Powers:[/b] Beau can emit emotions on to others with great force. When Beau makes eye contact with his attractive and enticing blue eyes, he begins emitting paralyzing emotions. Once eye contact is established it is hard for the other person to break away. If they do not break away in time Beau is able to establish a strong enough connection that the other cannot get out of, submitting to the emotions Beau desires to throw upon them until he either stops, blinks, and breaks the connection, or the one he has a hold on passes out, closing their eyes and breaking the connection. Emotions Beau can inflict range from the entire emotional spectrum, ranging from Joy and empowerment, discouragement, fear and anxiety, feelings of intense loss, loneliness or even rage. The emotions inflicted are debilitating, rendering the receiving fairly useless, only able to react physically to what they are receiving. If Beau inflicts emotions too harshly or for too long he is able to kill them, or render them completely psychologically useless, a person trapped in their own muddled and broken mind. Beau found Dactrin. He was attracted by the immense emotions emanating from him. They established a connection that led to a respectful relationship. Beau is able to disappear within the shadows, concealing his large frame when needed for protection. When in the shadows he cannot be seen or touched. [/center]