Four AM was an unholy hour. Allison hadn't been up this early in years, and more often than not, four in the morning had been her bedtime after a long night spent in the lab. She was far from happy, but at the very least, Torsten's bed had been warm and comfortable, easy to fall asleep in and stay asleep in spite of her anxieties about not being able to get to Portland the day before. She had every bit of confidence in the Finn and his ability to get her down to the city before Monday morning, and truthfully, Allison was just thankful that he was being so gracious. He very well could have turned her away and forced her to fend for herself in this unfamiliar place with little survival skills. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Allison turned back the warm covers from the bed and slipped her shoes back on before padding over to the door. She comber her fingers back through her hair, not wanting to look a mess in front of her host. She may have been a stranger, and while she doubted Torsten cared much for her appearance, it still meant something to Allison. After a short moment, she unlocked the door and was greeted with the early morning chill of the mountains. Shivering slightly, she pulled her sweater over her fingers. “Good morning,” she greeted him with a soft smile and stepped aside to let him in. “Did you sleep okay out there?” Allison still felt bad for displacing him like that, and she hoped he hadn't been too cold. Wanting to be a good guest, Allison moved back over to the bed and began to make it up—straightening out the sheets and tucking the covers back under the newly fluffed pillows. She wanted to take a shower before they started on their way to the Amish community, and the water would do her some good as well. Although she felt a bit awkward asking when the cabin was only one room, and Torsten looked as though he needed to be milling about. She combed out her hair with her fingers again, frowing at the tangles from sleep. “Do you think I could shower before we go?” It wouldn't hurt to ask.