Yair feigned a peaceful sleep in his room as the siren's screech wailed about. He ignored it at first, focusing as hard as he could on the back of his lids and it appeared to work for a time. The incessant ringing broke through finally as he came to terms that it was indeed time to get up. Eyes snapping open as he peered up at the ceiling of his small issued living quarters. The white dull gleam of the polished steel blending away at the corners of the room with the matching walls. They had told him he could decorate it, but he need never arose. The blinking light in his own rooms smoke detector flashed rapidly in unison with the sirens ringing. He let a small grin form on his face as he heard his name being sobbed from the kitchen area. A routine stretch that was more a habit then a necessity was all he needed before stepping quietly into the kitchen. Peering around the corner he found the helpless figure sobbing about the floor. His smile widened as he assessed what had happened. This sister of his could be hopeless sometimes. He walked over to the window and propped it open to let the air out so the rooms smoke could clear out and give the poor smoke alarm a break. There wasn't much else he could really as he was sure about three hundred men were about to storm their little home they had here. He plopped down next to his sister as he listened to her continuing sobs. Dropping a hand on her he laughed lightly as he leaned back against a chair. "What are we going to do with you?"