So he's not quite finished, still need to flesh out some fluff items and his bio but for the most part my character is ready. [b]Name:[/b]Edward 'Ned' Lawson [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Sex:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=] Click Here![/url] [b]History Type:[/b] [b]Australian Backpacker:[/b] Coming from the land down under with twisted, more dangerous versions of already dangerous wildlife, your character is a damned fine survivalist, and shows this with a knowledge of various creatures and wildlife a clear cut above that of the average person. They also tend to be better with last second melee weaponry than anyone else, seeing as how many of the creatures on the Australian continent are stealth predators... (Can typically spot weaknesses in enemies before anyone else can, bonuses to melee weapons, have a slightly better chance at detecting an attempted sneak attack before it occurs.) [hider=Biography] Born and raised in a small fortress settlement on the Australian east coast, Edward has gone most of his life knowing full well the horrors of the modern world. Raiders, mutated wildlife and mutated raiders were a fairly common problem for the small settlement. It was just large enough to hold on to what it had which made it a tempting target for the raiders looking to move up in the world, likewise they were small enough that the wildlife were not deterred easily. By age eight, Edward knew how to drive the various buggies and transport trucks used by the settlement to free up the more able bodied for defence and labour. he also found himself caring for, along with a small number of other children, the small herd of livestock and other animals trained by the settlement. as he grew older he learned to drive the larger combat vehicles the settlement had and was given training in weapons and combat. Few people in the settlement had only a single role as their numbers were low enough that everyone needed to be able to do more than one task so as not to leave the settlement bereft of needed skills should a death occur. Edwards role eventually became that of security, he had taken to weapons training with a vigor only a few had and he could drive any of the vehicles used by the settlement should the need arise. He also took to the animals more so than many of the population, while the day to day caring was still handled by the children for the most part Edward took a blue heeler puppy into his care and trained it to be a companion both in the field and domestically. Some in the settlement joked that Edward connected with the dog more than he did his fellow humans. A man by the name of Bruce McFoster wandered into the settlement one day, a baby wallaby in his care. Bruce was rather quiet at the time and it seemed the only thing he truly cared about was the wallaby which he clearly did not know how to care for. Edward took him in and taught him how to keep the wallaby healthy and in the process the two became friends as Bruce opened up and told his story. After Bruce recovered some sense of self the two of them worked together to help the settlement until it became clear to Edward that Bruce was still in pain from his loss. Edward suggested the Bruce needed a change of scenery and that distance could help him where the 'normality' of life in the settlement could not. Not long after the two found themselves seabound for the the united states, Edward going as well to keep an eye on his unstable friend and to provide him with a familiar and friendly face in the times when memory overtook him.[/hider] [u]Technical Information[/u]: [b]Career Path:[/b] Pilot-Grunt Multi-Class. [hider=Pilot] The pilot is someone who has specialised themselves towards vehicles in general, ranging from aircraft to mechs to jeeps and tanks, they also tend to pick up mechanical skills and have the tendency to understand foreign technologies quicker than anyone else. As a benefit, they can also pass this knowledge onto others who might better benefit from certain technologies than the pilot would. Pilots start with a small mech and simplistic personal equipment. They replace Civilian Clothing with a Mechanical Jumpsuit that offers them all the tools they need to do small time repairs in their mech in their pouches. This jumpsuit also protects them from certain elements, such as acid, but loses its stealth enhancing qualities. They also replace the First Aid Kit with a Technical Kit--they can use this to do more extreme repairs, and to analyse foreign and outright alien technology to unlock its secrets for the squad... Or for themselves. Pilots can equip any unlocked modifications for their mech outside of a mission, but further slots are only unlocked through missions themselves, such as in analysing enemy technology with the Technician’s Kit or bringing back scavenge for the Council to examine.[/hider] [Hider=Grunt] The grunt is someone who has become a grizzled war fighter, having chosen to abstain from both the more mechanised aspects of warfare and the temptation of mutations. They instead use speciality training and customised firearms to resolve the day. Often underestimated, their contribution to a battle tends to be less obvious than the other two, and don’t let the name fool you: A well trained, well equipped Grunt is just as deadly as a high ranking Listener or Pilot! Grunts start with their Light Armour replaced with Medium Armour, still flexible but capable of stopping some damage in critical areas. They also have access to one of three starting weapons which replaces the Standard Issue Council Rifle. Grunts start with two weapon modifications for their weapon of choice and can change out these modifications at any time when not in a mission. They also start with two pieces of Advanced Training.[/hider] [b]Mech:[/b] [b]Designation:[/b] Dingo QAM-B3 [b]Size:[/b] Small. [b]Occupants:[/b] One. [b]General Description:[/b] Unlike the standard Bipedal mechs used by Bunker Chicago the Dingo is a quadruped design. The Torso is horizontal with a turret mounted on the top and a 'forward section' contains the scanners, holds the joints for the front legs and has a weapon hardpoint. It stands about 10 meters tall including its turret and is approximately 17 meters in length. [b]Equipment:[/b] [hider=Legs-Forward]--Sprint Gyro. (Shared Slot 1) --Jump Jets. (Shared Slot 2, 1 scrap cost)[/hider] [hider=Legs-Rear]--Sprint Gyro.(Shared Slot 1) --Jump Jets. (Shared Slot 2)[/hider] [hider=Torso]--Light Armour. --Pilot Chamber. --Emergency Escape Hatch. --Rear Facing Tow Cable with Powered Winch. (1 slot, 1 scrap) --Dog Box.[/hider] [Hider=Forward Section]–.50 Calibre Rapid Fire --Floodlights --Standard Scanning Package.[/hider] [hider=Back Turret]--Narrow Beam Laser --Narrow Beam Laser [/hider] [b]Grunt:[/b] [hider=Custom Weapon] Submachine Gun. [i]Modifications:[/i] --[i]Mod 1:[/i] Silencer --[i]Mod 2:[/i] Hi-Tech Scope: Infrared --[i]Mod 3:[/i] Hi-Tech Scope: Night-vision[/hider] [hider=Advanced Training] --[i]AT 1:[/i] Adrenalin Junkie --[i]AT 2:[/i] Damned Fine Aim[/hider] [b]Inventory:[/b] [hider=Weapons][b]Combat Knife:[/b] The standard army combat knife. A design over a century old still more than effective enough to carry on into the future. [b]Standard Issue Council Pistol:[/b] Your standard issue, eighteen shot clip pistol provided to nearly everyone in the bunkers and on most homesteads, to both civilians and armed personnel alike. This is based off of the glock-18 model, with some near-future modifications.[/hider] [hider=Armour][b]Mechanical Jumpsuit:[/b] Offers all the tools needed to do small time repairs on mechs in its pouches. This jumpsuit also protects from certain elements, such as acid, but loses the stealth enhancing qualities of civilian attire. [b]Medium Armour:[/b] An improvement over the Standard Light Armour, still flexible but capable of stopping some damage in critical areas, unlike the 'kitten assault armour' [/hider] [hider=Medicine & Tech][b]Medkit:[/b] Your standard medkit, including bandages, stitches, rubbing alcohol, and more. [b]Technical Kit:[/b] Can use this to do more extreme repairs, and to analyse foreign and outright alien technology to unlock its secrets for the squad... Or for himself. [b]Radio:[/b] A simple radio for contacting others. [b]Frag Grenade:[/b] A small hand held explosive. Pull the pin and throw it into a small room for maximum effect, as it isn’t all that effective in a large area with several pieces of cover... Each character starts with two frag grenades. [b]Flashbang:[/b] A non-lethal version of the Frag Grenade, this weapon’s purpose is to cause a bright flash of light and a loud bang, blinding and deafening opponents. Each character starts with two flashbangs.[/hider] [hider=Miscellaneous]Anything that is just excess fluff in most situations, like dog-tags, or a watch. [b]Dog-Tags:[/b] A way to identify your horrible mangled corpse. Congratulations! At least you won't die forgotten mister... Uh... What was your name again? [b]Standard Watch:[/b] Your standard wrist watch, likely powered by gears and springs as in old clockwork, only compartmentalized to fit on the wrist. [b]Flash-Light:[/b] Useful in dark places. Often mounted on a shoulder or duct-taped to a weapon. [b]Pocket Multi-tool:[/b] Sometimes all you need is something light and quick to get the job done, so Ned carries this tool for those times when using the Technical Kit is overdoing it. [b]BBQ Lighter:[/b] Ned finds it rather a bit more useful than a standard cigarette lighter because of its extended reach. [b]Multiple Rolls of Gaffa Tape:[/b] Stick anything to anything else and good at plugging gaps in a pinch, you can never have to much gaff. [b]Max:[/b] Max is an Australian cattle dog of the blue heeler breed. Not that there is much call for cattle dogs in recent years what with many of the livestock having become mutated beasts that are ore than a match for a barking mongrel. Rather than herding cattle however Max has been taught since he was a puppy various skills and such that would have gone to canines in the military or police forces in years gone by, while no match for the majority of mutated life or soldiers in armour Max has none-the-less been a faithful companion and helpful friend to Ned for the past 5 or 6 years. [/hider] [b]Signature:[/b] Gat, oh and... [s]Vlad has Camoflauge[/s]