"Agent Six. I hear you've got a grudge." His eyes shifted from Laika to Hessta then back again, and he was really wishing the snake-man wouldn't be so jumpy. "I'm here to offer you a chance to do something about it. This fine gentleman..." He gestured to Hessta. "...along with myself and several others, are going to put an end to Gortex and his rule of terror. I don't know why you hate him, and to be honest I don't really care, but I can use that hatred if you'll let me." He walked closer as he spoke while still keeping Hessta in his peripherals, just in case. "As far as fine print, I'll expect you to follow orders when we're in the field, but your free time is your own. Just don't cause problems with the others..." A pointed glance at Hessta. "...and we'll get along just fine."