[center] Appearance: [img=http://fsb.zedge.net/scale.php?img=NS85LzkvMy8xLTg1MTA0NzItNTk5Mzc0OC5qcGc&ctype=1&v=4&q=81&xs=620&ys=383&sig=abe037aeb64dbd3a9a47b1c55714f47f0b30152f] Name: Helen Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Neko Role in Family: Daughter Powers: Because of being a Neko, Helen has cat ears and a cat tail. She also has the ability to transform into a cat, and communicate with animals. Personality: Helen is usually a kind and happy girl, though she has moments where she can go quite aggressive and angry. Helen is also easily made upset, and if this happens she usually (though not always) retreats to somewhere she can be alone to cry. Sometimes she even goes somewhere like a corner to cry. Helen likes to be on her laptop, and likes to read. Other: Family Forever! [/center]