The young woman made her way through the streets of the city, occasionally checking over her shoulder. Ylisse had helped her lose some bandits that were chasing her for stealing from them. Though, if they were looking for a thief, they might mistake her. The staff she carries and the clothes she wore gave a slightly different impression. To someone just glancing at her, she might get mistaken for a cleric or a trickster. Cleric would be preferable. She was just stepping out of a side street when she witnessed a collision, and couldn't help but utter a soft giggle. The one girl was very energetic, while the other seemed quite... elegant. She smiles softly and observed the two for a moment, before a small satchel on the ground caught her eye. It had landed by her feet... She stoops down to pick it up, and examines the contents. Candy...? It must belong to the energetic girl, since she asked about it. "Excuse me, I believe you dropped this." She smiles softly and holds out the bag, ready to drop it into a yet-to-be-offered hand.