[quote=GreenGoat] I'm a bit iffy on charging down a huge orc dual wielding two two-handed weapons, but I probably should do so to distract it long enough for other peeps to either kill it, asplode the knife throwing imps behind it, or jump onto that cliff and kill the archers.Er.... probably not the jumping. [/quote] My character is hardcore defender. She will tank whatever you want, so feel free to hold back on your charginf while she takes the lead on squaring up to giant axe-crazy orcs. [quote=Rayn Night] Well, Elrithos can't really climb walls of cliffs ssoooo.... Who's up for distracting and charging up the Champion with Elrithos? [/quote] Already talked to Robert. For everyone, its a round to climb the clifface, a dedicated action. So don't worry about having the skills or not to assist. The primary issue is that you will be exposed while doing so and will need coverage.