[center][u]Donny Lee Yang - Arms Slave[/center][/u] Arms Slave wished he had some allies to man the gun ports. While his truck lacked weapons, it had ports around the back for gunners to stick their gun barrels through. And to ensure that he was as heavily protected as he could muster, the Truck didn't even have windows. To see in around him he relied on hidden cameras that were on the outside hull of the truck. This protected him and his allies for being targeted while riding the truck, but also meant that anything that could knock out his cameras would leave him driving blind. Another advantage the cameras had also was allowing him to see in various angles on his Truck, including the sudden and mysterious guest. Arms Slave herd the thud first. He was going at least 90 mph, slowing down only to drift. How this player was staying on he didn't know, and he didn't exactly trust her. He had sort of expected some resistance and wondered if this player was planning on trying to kill him to appease the Black King. A challenge that he would certainly oblige, but this player, Corpse Collector, asked for his help. His honor demanded that he assisted, though his sense told him that someone called "Corpse Collector" likely wasn't good news. [b]"Ah... What the hell. Yolo."[/b] Arms Slave didn't exactly stop, just slowed down to 30 mph. He didn't get out of his vehicle so he spoke through the truck's speaker system. [b]"What do you need, Corpse Collector? I'm in a bit of a rush to meet the Black King, so I can't exactly stop. If you want to hitch a ride or something, I think I can open a port for you to get in. Better hurry up though, I logged in as soon as I can cause I'd imagine that soon a bunch of outlaws are going to start camping around the Black Capital to prevent newbies from getting through and generally being a pain in the ass."[/b] The sound of combat in the distance only validated Arms Slave belief that it was going to be utter pandemonium once everyone logged into Deep Ground, just to reach the Black Capital. Though his avatar's face was covered in his helmet, Arms Slave had an excited smirk. [center][u]Restu Goroshi - Dark Wraith[/center][/u] [b]"Corpse Collector... In passing."[/b] Dark Wraith admitted hearing of the player in passing, but not that her sources came from complaints from other operatives of the Sweeper like her. There wasn't much information about Corpse Collector that Dark Wraith needed to know to justify sending a hit on her, though she has heard talk about how she hides her player information. Of course if someone like Dark Wraith or operatives of the Sweepers ever met her, they could figure out her true identity easy enough. But this Corpse Collector either hasn't caused much trouble to catch the Sweeper's attention, or she is very good at ensuring no one catches her. Likely the latter. But to Dark Wraith, she didn't care about this Corpse Collector. Just another name and player to deal with. What concerned Dark Wraith more was that Moon Rider asked her to, specifically, "make sure they are never able to log into the Deep Ground Program again." Perhaps it was just a coincidental choice of words, but Dark Wraith knew that someone like the Black King didn't reach her standing by just being a good player in Deep Ground. Dark Wraith wondered if Moon Rider knew her affiliations with the Sweepers. If this was a test of loyalty and character. Sure, anyone could hunt down Corpse Collector and defeat her in combat. But to "make sure they are never able to log into the Deep Ground Program again", they would need the unique abilities of the Sweepers. And Dark Wraith's specifically. And surely this was foul play; while grudges and fights happened often enough in real life due to actions in Deep Ground, to actively sabotage and harm someone to impede their ability to play Deep Ground was a felony offense. At least Dark Wraith thought so, and she had no interest in finding out. [i]"So what does the Black King hope to gain from removing Corpse Collector from the game?"[/i] Dark Wraith thought to herself. [b]"Defeating Corpse Collector would be a simple matter. Is there.... Anything specific you want to happen to this player?"[/b] Dark Wraith spoke with innuendo. The Black King may have ruled the Ebon Strykers with absolute power, but even hackers and cheaters were an enemy of all. And given that Dark Wraith was both, she couldn't afford to expose herself. She didn't care for why Moon Rider wanted Corpse Collector dead or how they should go about doing it. Dark Wraith wanted to know if the Black King was asking her to put a hit out on the player of Corpse Collector, and if so, could Moon Rider could be trusted enough for Dark Wraith to offer her nefarious service to the reclusive monarch.