[b][u]Sam Jensen - The Blue King, Gleeful Jackal[/u][/b] The instant class was let out, Sam was found at his usual spot in the massive lounge that served as the Cobalt Bruisers' real-life headquarters. As his fellow guild members walked in, whispering excitedly to each other about the Black King's recent declaration and looking expectantly at him for a statement, he simply smiled at seeing so many people excited over the game. Really, he'd have to thank the Black King for reinvigorating the players of Deep Ground Online. It was always nice to see people enjoying the game for what it was: a place for people to have fun and let loose. When enough people had flooded into the lounge, Sam closed his eyes, linking into Deep Ground. [b][i]Welcome, Gleeful Jackal: Blue King.[/i][/b] A small boy materialized on in the Guild Hall of the Cobalt Bruisers, lounging back on his throne with a grin as he surveyed the assorted players milling about the building. [b]"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, sit down and shut up!"[/b] He bellowed, catching the attention of his guild, who turned to him excitedly. [b]"Now I know you've all heard the Black King's announcement, and you're probably wondering what my policy's going to be. Well,"[/b] He smiled, drawing a knife and twirling it about in his hand. [b]"I'm going to head over to her domain and see what exactly is going on. Seeing as most of you aren't Assassins and those that are Assassins are mostly Hitmen, I'm pretty much the only one that can sneak around. In the meantime, do what you feel like. Take some quests, hunt some Dissolutions, kill anyone in our district that's trying to reach the Black King's domain, for all I care. And remember, don't do anything to start a war. With how the Black King's acting, we're probably going to get one sooner or later anyway."[/b] The Blue King rose from his throne, sheathing his knife as he did so. [b]"Anyways, I'm off to go stalk the Black King. Enjoy your day, guys!"[/b] Gleeful Jackal gave a final wave to his guildies and dashed to the side, leaping out a window with a whoop. ___ [b][u]Meilin Shen - Distant Sage[/u][/b] Unbeknownst to Haruka and Claire, Meilin actually was in the lecture hall that served as the Ivory Masks' real-life gathering spot. The problem was that she wasn't actually logged in. Instead, she was busy reading another one of her books. It took a nudge to her shoulder for her to look up, raising an eyebrow at the boy that was poking his guild's spymaster. [b]"Yes?"[/b] She asked, tearing herself away from the works of Locke. "Err, the King was asking for you. Said something about you going with her to visit the Black King." [b]"Fine,"[/b] Meilin sighed, reluctantly marking her page and setting her book down before she closed her eyes, logging into Deep Ground. [b][i]Welcome, Distant Sage.[/i][/b] The black-armored woman materialized conveniently in front of her King, giving White Terror a deferential bow. [b]"You rang?"[/b] And then she noticed the Dissolutions in the Guild Hall. Jumping back up, she gathered hellfire in one hand while summoning her demonic knight with the other.