[center][img]http://s15.postimg.org/jfbsv680r/Hunted_Logo.png[/img] [img]http://s9.postimg.org/pl704oa4f/Lyvan_RPIMage.png[/img][/center] [b][i]STATUS[/i][/b] --- [indent][b]Open, but limited[/b] -- Human characters only (regular humans or hunters)[/indent] [b][i]PLOT AND SUBPLOTS[/i][/b] --- [indent]The story takes place in nineteenth century England and revolves around lycans/werewolves. The story's main focus is on the now-dying creatures we know as werewolves. Their kind rose in great and almost unaccountable numbers over the many hundreds of years, but ultimately, over the past few decades, more and more wolf hunters or just 'hunters,' as have been come to be known as, have appeared and helped diminish the lycan population to a dwindling and frighteningly low number. Lycans no longer are the masters of the night. (It is because of this great genocide that werewolves of OOC today are so rare and thus considered myth.) This is the story of the last great werewolves, the survivors, the last ones standing that fought to the bitter end. Though many of these creatures are admirable in their physical strength and skills, the hunters now largely outnumber them, and many of these legendary creatures will fall in battle. The roleplay will begin with a family of humans who have captured and imprisoned several young lycans (Juveniles and Youths). They believe they are helping the lycans by saving them from a world filled with hunters. However, the lycans, who (minus a few nights out of the month) are usually in human form, are being kept against their will. One newly-turned lycan will have just been captured and taken to this family's large cellar with the rest. An ancient lycan will have caught word of this and is planning on putting together a rescue mission. An organization of hunters exists, known as SOHNS (Society of Hunters: Night Security). This society was formed by Niklos Redd, Grandfather to Rozlin Redd. Most every member of SOHNS is male, as this is the 1800's and females are still widely discriminated against, and the roles women play in society are far from hunters. However, a few select females are allowed to join if they can prove their skills as a wolf hunter. Basically, SOHNS is an organization of hunters who have banded together in an attempt to become an even more powerful entity against the lycan threat. Together, they are stronger than any single hunter. They train with one another and go over hunting strategies and also rely on one another in combat. They are a force to be reckoned with. Any Average Joe hunter is allowed join (as long as they are 18 or older), but they will be trained until they are up to a certain standard before they are allowed to join in any future hunts. Each hunting party is comprised of at least five members, one of them being the leader. Leaders can be any hunter who has been on at least fifteen successful hunts.[/indent] [b][i]INFORMATION ON LYCANS[/i][/b] --- [indent]The initial lycan was created when a rabid lone wolf, driven mad by its disease and starvation, attacked a villager in northern Europe during a full moon. The man collapsed, nearly having been killed by the mauling, but when he awoke, he was no longer himself, in body or in mind. He had become part man, part wolf, operating only on instinct and a powerful desire to hunt. Whenever he attacked a person and left them alive, they too would become infected with the condition, and so the trend would carry on. Newly created lycans are only able to transform under a full moon, and they lose all their rational thoughts and their human mind and become a pure wolf. They are not in any form of control. As lycans age however, they eventually learn to adapt and adjust to their transformations. Around the time they become ‘adults,’ they are able to fully control when and where they transform, and they also have some degree of control over themselves, if not full control. Aged lycans never lose their human minds when under transformation and can even change into their wolf forms much more quickly and painlessly. They are much more powerful than humans, but lycans are strong only when they are transformed. Additionally, lycans are deathly allergic to silver. Ingesting silver or having silver penetrate the body in any way will cause a lycan, whether transformed or not, to eventually die if the silver is not removed in time. Simply touching silver can cause serious rashes. There are two species of lycans - the werewolf and the wolf. Werewolves resemble part man, part wolf. They can stand on two legs and have hands. They can walk on all fours if they wish, though it is typically easier to walk upright. Werewolves do not possess tails. Wolves must always walk on all fours and do not have hands or opposable thumbs. They also have tails. Lycans are immortal, meaning they cannot age or die of old age, but they still can be killed by selective means. Silver, as mentioned, is one way of killing a lycan. Beheading is another, as is the complete dismemberment of limbs and body parts. Religious artifacts hold no power over lycans, but the cry of a fellow lycan will beckon other lycans, whether they belong to the same pack or not. Being social creatures, lycans depend and rely heavily on each other, and it is in their instincts to protect one another. Therefore, it isn't at all uncommon for men to have captured and wounded a lycan and left it chained and in agony as bait to lure in more of its kind to slay. In addition to immortality, lycans also have superhuman abilities. These include great physical strength, which can and does typically grow as they "level up" from Youth to Ancient, quicker-than-human regenerative healing, superhuman senses (eyesight and sense of smell especially), agility, stamina, and quick reflexes. There are 4 different ages of a lycan: Adolescent, Youth, Adult, and Ancient. An Adolescent refers to a newly transformed human who has no control over their monthly transformations. A Youth is typically one who has gained some control over their transformations and may, at times, be able to transform upon will but who is not very powerful yet. An Adult is typically considered to be the most common type of lycan. It is someone who has been a lycan long enough to have complete control over their transformations and can also transform upon will. They are powerful creatures not to be messed with. Ancients are almost unheard of creatures, as they are the oldest living lycans whose abilities far surpass any other. They are usually the leaders of powerful packs and are highly respected. Ancient lycans usually evolve to appear much different than their original human selves. In their human forms, their eyes may look more like wolf eyes, if they’re male, they may grow more hair, their ears may grow pointier, and their nails become hard and tend to grow faster to resemble claws. In their wolf forms, other variations can be seen. They are much larger and far more muscular than they appeared as an Adolescent wolf. [/indent] [b][i]CHARACTERS[/i][/b] --- [list=1][*][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59910/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1849037]Alice & Emma - The Berangias Sisters[/url] - Hunter and Adolescent Lycan[/b] [i](Played by Rtron)[/i][/*] [*][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59910/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1854991]James Felton[/url] - Grandson of Compound Leader[/b] [i](Played by gogojakeo)[/i][/*] [*][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59861/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1851380]Joseph Allard[/url] - Hunter of SOHNS[/b] [i](Played by Thought Manifest)[/i][/*] [*][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59861/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1846084]Nikita Devar[/url] - Ancient Lycan[/b] [i](Played by Thought Manifest)[/i][/*] [*][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59610/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1845400]Rozlin "Roz" Redd[/url] - Hunter of SOHNS[/b] [i](Played by White Rabbit Reality)[/i][/*] [*][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59610/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1837815]Velganos "Vel" Vanora"[/url] - Youth Lycan[/b] [i](Played by White Rabbit Reality)[/i][/*] [*][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59861/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1851576]Winnifred "Winnie" Felton[/url] - Granddaughter of Compound Leader[/b] [I](Played by Thought Manfiest)[/i][/*] [*][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59910/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1851103]Zacharie[/url] - Youth Lycan Captured[/b] [I](Played by gogojakeo)[/i][/*][/list] [b][i]WRITERS INVOLVED[/i][/b] --- [list=1][*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/10518]gogojakeo[/url][/*] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/1036]Rtron[/url][/*] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/10777]Thought Manifest[/url][/*] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/10697]White Rabbit Reality[/url][/*][/list] [b][i]MOOD-INSPIRING IMAGES[/i][/b] --- [indent][list][*][url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/118/e/c/monster_hunter_vs_werewolf_by_shono-d3f36er.jpg]Woman shooting a werewolf[/url][/*] [*][url=http://cdn.comicartfans.com/Images/Category_22057/subcat_147831/Transformation%20A.jpg]Werewolf transformation[/url][/*] [*][url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/213/2/d/the_werewolf_by_niconoff-d59dlra.jpg]Giant Ancient werewolf[/url][/*] [*][url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/219/a/e/the_lycan_by_liamsharp-d45qulb.jpg]Werewolf jumping a hunter[/url][/*] [*][url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/092/2/9/london__19th_century_by_dionix24-d3d2ml5.jpg]Nineteenth Century Town[/url][/*] [*][url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/345/b/d/route_by_tatchit-d5nr9u1.png]Young wolf[/url][/*] [*][url=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/268/8/c/tension_by_tatchit-d5fwa6k.png]Angry captured werewolf[/url][/*] [*][url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/136/8/c/8ce2f5397a0bef38a0172c68e77602d1-d4u0hnd.jpg]Standing werewolf[/url][/*] [*][url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/363/1/8/hungry_wolf_by_boscopenciller-d4km6r0.jpg]Wolf mauling a human[/url][/*] [*][url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/297/9/e/curse_of_the_worgen_issue_3_by_norsechowder-d4dsfb8.jpg]Werewolf pack running through the night[/url][/*][/list][/indent]