[u][b]Michelle - Shooting Star-Yellow King[/b][/u] The five Dissolutions appeared behind Michelle and lunged for her. Michelle barely saw the Prediction lines her skill created and turned around to see them. Brick the Tank, however, managed to get between Michelle and the Dissolutions, shield in hand, and blocked the attacks. "Quick, get back!" he yelled as his hp bar went down dramatically for a Tank. Enigma, the Shinobi, was wide-eyed with surprise, pulling his knife out from somewhere in his clothing. "Dissolutions? HERE?!?!?" he exclaimed. Force, the Sorcerer, acted quickly and casted a lightning spell, striking the Dissolution in front of the others, taking a chunk out of its hp bar, but not really doing any significant damage. "Hold them off! Protect the-" he said before noticing Michelle missing. "Where's-" he asked in surprised as he looked around, quickly spotting Michelle behind all the Dissolutions. Michelle began her Piercing Barrage, striking a Dissolution and dropping its hp bar dramatically, reducing it to 1%. It turned around in an attempt to strike back, but the Barrage's bleed effect killed it, and it dissolved into a black puddle. Two Dissolutions were still striking Brick's shield, but the other two were turning around in response to their comrade's death. Michelle then performed the Gyro Strike, striking them both and dealing quite a bit of damage, bit not nearly as much as her Piercing Barrage. The Dissolutions lunged and struck Michelle, but all they did was strike an afterimage, which disappeared soon after being struck. Michelle then reappeared behind them using her Shukuchi skill and performed her Cross Slash, slicing downward in an "X" movement, then slicing upward in the same "X" movement, which killed the two Dissolutions, who died in a similar fashion to the first one. The Wizard Force had managed to kill the Dissolution he stuck earlier with an ice spell, leaving only one left. This Dissolution, however, leaped above Brick and went straight for Force, who immediately tried to run backward, but tripped and fell. The Dissolution quickly closed in, but then there was a *ding* sound, and a mine shot upward, exploding right in the Dissolution's face, knocking the Dissolution back. Michelle leaped toward it and sliced it with her two blades, effectively killing it and splattering Brick with black goo. Brick eyed the goo covering him with distaste and said, "Ugh, thanks." Michelle turned around to look, and covered her mouth to hold back her laughter, but failed and bursted out in laughter. "I'm sorry," was all she could say between laughs. Meanwhile, Enigma the Shinobi was helping the wizard Force to his feet, saying, "Now aren't you glad my trap was there, fumblefoot?" "Oh, screw you," Force replied as he got back up and brushed off his robe for nonexistent dust and dirt. Michelle sighed, then sheathed her swords. "Now then, before I was so rudely interrupted," Michelle said. "I will be heading into the dark city myself." All three advisors looked at Michelle in shock, not believed the words coming out of her mouth. "WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Enigma yelled. "Going there is one thing, but going there ALONE???" "I actually agree with him for once," Force said. "Doing such a thing is foolhardy." "Yeah, what they said," Brick continued. "At least take someone with you." "Sorry, gentlemen, but my decision is final," Michelle said, nodding. "Clean up the mess while I'm away, please." With those final words, Michelle zoomed away, out the doors and toward the Ebony Stryker city. --- [u][b]Daniel - Free Runner[/b][/u] "Ahhh, the sounds of silence," Daniel said after he landed on a rooftop in the dark city. "It's so BORING!" he yelled out suddenly, jumping off the rooftop and double jumping onto another rooftop to avoid fall damage. Then he sprinted and jumped, and sprinted and jumped, repeating this process as he made his way across the city. As he traveled, though, he noticed something on the ground, far below the buildings. It looked like an.... armored truck. [i]Must be another person trying to reach the Black King[/i], Daniel thought. He was about to continue on when he saw that there was a person on the truck, and one running up to it. Daniel raised an eyebrow, curious to see what was happening, and noticed the Dissolution. Not believing his luck, Daniel jumped off the rooftop, free falling toward the Dissolution, and double jumped right before he hit the ground. His shotgun was in his hands, and he fired directly at the Dissolution's face, discharging both the shells within his gun. The Dissolution, weakened by some of the Explosion Runes Smitten Kitten had placed, died from the massive amount of damage due to his gun and his Air Strike skill. Daniel then landed on his feet and smoothly placed his shotgun back into the pouch on his back that was meant to hold it. He turned toward the people at the truck, waved, then ran off, leaping from wall to wall to get back up on his territory, the rooftops.