He had to admit. . . The strangers were getting his attention and his goat. Heizo wondered if it would be too bad of an idea to shoot one of them and then claim he thought they were Crucible. He sighed and shook his head, before he started scanning the tree line further, watching for the smallest bit of movement. A small light quickly flashed across his face, and Heizo winced in pain. He suddenly ducked beneath the railing of the ship, and yelled out a quick [b]"Duck,"[/b] as a bullet flew past the spot he had been in. Heizo quickly peaked up again, and followed that by immediately ducking as another shot rang out. In that short time he had spotted the shooter, and started trying to calm down. He slowly crawled across the ship, and soon reached the opposite end, before he raised up and took aim. The shooter was a Crucible foot soldier, and was still focused on where Heizo had been. The man slowly turned to face towards Heizo before Heizo fired a fatal shot to the throat. The soldier fell over clutching his throat in despair. A small sigh of relief escaped Heizo as rested his head against the deck of the boat. [b]"I got 'em,"[/b] He called out in a relieved tone, [b]"But he may have reported our position,"[/b] Heizo continued.