Though Cheyenne could clearly see how badly this could end, she spent very little time thinking over the proposition. She had a hard time believing that she would get much sympathy in the courts, and without her rifle assembled, she wouldn't be able to hold her own. (Not that she would do much better with the gun). A bullet to the head from this man, no matter how immodest, would be much better than being held back behind bars, estranged and isolated. Wordlessly, she quickly crossed the car, hopping in the passenger seat. She disliked the grin on the mans face, and met it with little more than her usual scowl, though her eyes were lighter, reflecting enough gratitude to be seen by the watchful. She quickly closed the door upon sitting, and pulled her bag out, to rest it on her lap. She slightly ignored Honolulu, until her bag was open and she was rummaging around the contents. "So, which one are you?" She asked. After receiving an answer, she carried on. "Yeah, it didn't go how I had hoped back there. But, the job got done, and from how this is going, it looks like one murder that will go unsolved for the time being. The start of a [i]great[/i] relationship." She muttered. As she spoke, her hands flew quickly around just beneath the dashboard. Though it wouldn't attract much outside attention, it was clear that she was assembling her rifle. She stopped rather quickly, leaving off the longer parts, before stuffing the mostly-assembled gun back in her bag. "So, Harlan Kholer? Haven't thought much on her. Where the hell do you find a... rancher and entrepreneur?" She asked, having to pull out her list and check the names.