"[i]M-mecha horsies... Battalion Stallion, Night-mare, Sparkle Pony...[/i]" Amnesty crunched the chair from beneath her as she quickly pulled herself to a stand, waving platinum strands from her face and readjusting the white and black polka dot bandanna from her neck. Looking behind her to see the crowd she was socializing with leaping into action against the amalgams called Dissolutions, it looked like it would be exciting to join them for some good ol' bloodlust. But you know, she had other things to do, like riding mechanical horses and meeting exciting people from other guilds. "[i]Mei~ we've got important stuff to do, let the swarms of our people eat the random ass mobs.[/i]" Sprawling up the nearby pillar in a few moments like a spider monkey, Claire jumped from the structure landing into a roll and stopping just a few inches from a 15th floor window. Sliding to sit along the window and dangle her legs outside, she offered the combat-bound guildmates a halfhearted salute before jumping through to the outside world. Falling down rather quickly she landed on the back of the center-most horse, the same one the [b]White King[/b] was sitting on. The landing was hard, so rather than make a witty remark, she was too busy realizing that the falling damage was a bit rougher than expected. Thus Claire teared up and slid off the horse awkwardly. "[i]My butt, my beautiful butt..[/i]" Stepping over to the left-most horse holding her backside, she climbed onto the metallic saddle. "[i]Today's been a rough day..[/i]"