As the bandits stumbled trying to regain their composure from Leon's sudden assault, a man in their back lines called out, likely their leader, boasting that the pair of Dragonslayers would net them a hefty reward. The bandits regained their composure, poising to attack. Leon merely let out a deep laugh. "Are you all daft! I cut down a quarter of your men and you couldn't even retaliate. We're out of your league, you best flee here and never come bac-" Leon was suddenly cut of by a cacophony of barks. A pack of wolves suddenly emerged from the treeline and began to tear the bandits apart. Next, arrows began to emerge from the treeline. An archer, and Leon had a feeling they were the source of the wolves, and that they were a Dragonslayer just like them. Now the bandits were having a really bad day. "Wolves? An archer? It appears we have an ally on our side. These fools don't stand a chance. Let's cut them down, then we can introduce ourselves properl-" Leon was cut of once again, as a man fell out of the sky and landed next to the pair of Dragonslayers. The fight was starting to get ridiculous. Wolves? Men falling from the sky? The bandits surely had no chance. "Hm, another Dragonslayer? These bandits are going to have a bad day. If you intend to watch, very well. It shouldn't take too long for me, Lily, and whoever this archer is too clear these bandits. Let's get this over with." Leon moved his two swords to the ready, dug into the ground, and catapulted into the group of bandits, swords dancing and cutting down scores of men. The ill-trained bandits could hardly stop Leon who caused chaos in their ranks, an unstoppable flash of light killing man after man. Leon was a Dragonslayer, but he could potentially fight a small army of trained men. His fighting style was made for the battlefield, made to take full advantage of his speed. He was always trained to be a soldier, and few Dragonslayers could match the effect Leon's presence had in the middle of the ranks of the enemies.