Rilden and Rhovanor watched the small show that Robyn was displaying, Rilden gave a soft smile as the children applauded the red haired woman. Such talent, and bravery... His attention then turned to Alura calling out to Rhovanor, Rilden turned to the elf, giving a grin. "Go on, might be your only chance I can get you off my side." He said jokingly. Rhovanor looked a bit hesitant, but not out of fear, but of nervousness. The first time Rilden had ever seen that emotion on his elf friend before. "It would be an honor, Miss Alura." Rhovanor called out, and then walked after her, towards the forest. Rilden smiled and looked at all of his companions, all finding something to do before they have the serious meeting.. this would be the last time they will get some warm food and shelter... It will be a hard journey to find the Bearers, and an even harder challenge to defeat the mighty Fusos... He sat down under a tree, the morning light now rising up in the sky as he leaned back, and enjoyed the sight. --- Rhovanor made it to Alura, and together went in to the forest. "What exactly are you looking for?" The elf asked, looking at the ground for any tracks or other indications that enemies were near. He knew there wouldn't be, no army has ever set foot in this town only because they didn't know where it was... but it couldn't help but be safe, especially when it was just the two of them.