[u]Allen Docson | Curved Solitaire[/u] [i]“Attention all players. I, the Black King, ruler of the Ebony Strykers, am allowing any and all to join my Guild. This will be the first time I have done so in the entirety of Deep Ground’s launch. Please, choose your allies wisely.”[/i] It had been a beacon. Allen had been studying when the message popped up, spooking him right in the middle of his work. While the nonsense of the message was quite confusing for the young man at first, he came upon the realization as if a freight train had hit him it blared its horn and flashed its lights to let him know it was coming. The lone recluse, the Black King, was opening her kingdom to those low-borne without a single chance to enter. It was... an almost euphoric sensation. The entire day, he had been daydreaming, wondering what kind of person this King was like... and maybe, just maybe, if he should join. His curious wonder had even led to the snapping of his pencil a few times as he doodled without purpose; a first, for the diligent student. It was no wonder that he retreated to his room as the last bell rang at a pace he didn't even realize he was capable of. Allen locked the door to his room, and his eyes gradually lidded over. It was an experience he had yet to get used to for the entire year he had been doing it. [center][b][u]Welcome, Curved Solitaire![/center][/b][/u] It was the Green King's territory, a relative haven compared to the rest of the zones for those unaligned with any of the guilds. It wouldn't take him long to reach the Black King's throne if he cut a few corners. The sensations of the Black Kingdom had left Solitaire in awe. The cutting bite of the cold, black glass. The stagnant air that left him feeling at home, alone. The echo of his own footsteps reverberated through the air as he paced his way through the long, empty corridors; perhaps he felt too alone as every action he made felt alarmingly watched. Then, he came to what was the entrance- way to the throne room, or what he could only guess to be the throne room as it was the only place that held voices, and people, for that matter. He pushed weakly on the door, seeing that the King was already in audience. He felt honestly... a bit late, despite only being the second person to seemingly meet with Moon Rider. [b]“Tell me Dark Wraith. Have you ever heard of a player with the name Corpse Collector?”[/b] Dark Wraith? Corpse Collector? It seemed he was dealing with some very... unique people here. But, pushing past this thought, he spoke up, interrupting before their conversation could continue further. "E-Excuse me, my King..." he bowed, unsure, and embarrassed by his use of "my", in how to proceed. "I, uh, I'm here about your... well, your invitation. I'm Curved Solitaire, at your disposal however you see fit." --- [u]Garth Wright | Bowed Woods - Orange King[/u] "Hm," Woods was audibly pondering within his throne room of the Orange District. The message his "friend" the Black King had left for every denizen of the Faded City had left a remarkable shiver on his guild, and he had already chosen as to how they should react; the question was: how does he get around his own policies? A visit to another one of his "friends", the Terror, was seemingly in order, yet outside the context of battle, there was not a way around this. It had meant him missing class for the entire day to sit lazily in, what amounted to a simple glass box cascaded in the light of a forever setting sun, but he did have one plan. He used his [i][b]'Dog Whistle'[/i][/b], calling for the help of one assassin he knew to still be in class. Bellowed Mist, an apprentice within his own system, yet a girl with an ability that would be useful. "My lord," she answered as she appeared within his throne room almost immediately after his summons. He was still rather satisfied with the way his guild-mates now addressed him. "April," the Orange King said, "I have a special assignment for us to go on... No one outside this room," he gestured to the wizard, Zealous Calm, sitting quietly in the corner as his King deliberated. "Understood?" She nodded at his words with a slight gulp. He laced his fingers, "Good, now let me start." ... Woods had waited until he knew Haruka would be in her White Terror masque before he began his small operation. The assassin he had called had only one notable ability, [b][i]'NE* Bubble'[/b][/i]. It would certainly be enough to get to the Ivory Tower without aggression on either end. The problem being that it was a tad cramped for three people. "Come on, keep moving," it was the hushed tone of Bowed Woods. "Someone just walked [i]through[/i] us, how are you staying so calm?" Zealous responded in equally hushed, if slightly aggressive, tone." No response. "Right, just ignore me." At the doors of the Ivory Tower, Garth could only see one thing: The ridiculous sight of three girls on mechanical horses, to which he could only sigh in exasperation. "Always the show off, huh White?" he called out to her, the bubble dropping its effect. "Don't worry though, I'm here likely for the same reason you're on your [i]gallant steed[/i]. The same reason everyone is talking..." *[b]Non-Euclidean[/b] - The bubble appears empty, and there isn't even a trace of there being one. When you enter from the outside, you are simply warped to the other side. An ability that can only be used outside of combat.