I don't see why Krane would have a negative disposition towards Shila. He's just as quick to kill as her, albeit far less trained for it. He's not as skilled, nor as serious, but he's definitely adherent to his beliefs and support of the Rising. On that note, Krane was raised in and well acquainted with the Fire Nation and its royal family, so it's not like he just outright hates firebenders. Krane knows firsthand the difference between the Fire Nation and the Phoenix Kingdom. That said, Krane has no reason to dislike Shila due to her background. Now, the idea of keeping the Phoenix Kingdom alive is probably one that is universally hated. Shila will probably be outvoted for something like Republic City in LoK, and I'm sure after some compromise, she'd break down and try for the unification of the Nations through a Republic instead of a dictatorship. I would see Krane siding with Shila over Kalani, honestly. Kalani is headstrong and hot-tempered, probably quick to question or call out some boast from Krane. Krane himself was going through training to be a secretary for the Fire Nation, so he knows diplomacy. In terms of personality and views, Krane is a lot closer to Shila than Kalani. I would imagine Kalani and Krane butting heads a lot, probably voicing the opinions of people like Shila and another older, more matured person that would side with Kalani because they're both younger with less... restraint.