[center][b]Daniel[/b][/center] [center][i][b]Because nobody has posted in 2 days I'm going to post.[/b][/i][/center] [i]What a nice guy[/i] Daniel thought with a smile as he watched the teacher come in and begin her introduction to the class. The first day in school is always the easiest, because you never do anything. All you do is sit back and let the teacher talk about their class and about them self sometimes. The class period flew by quickly, he then ran out of the door to find his friend. The class period were only about 30 minutes long, which Daniel found weird, but didn't complain with. Finally rounding the corner he saw Shakuntala with Weisse and Nikita. "Hey guys!" Daniel said shouting and walking into the room with them. He was happy to see all his friends in one location. "How was 1st period for everybody?" Daniel smiled as he asked his question. Daniel was happy to have such great friends already. "So, we have about an hour before our next class, do you guys want to get some coffee? I'm buying!"