[b]The Berangias Sisters[/b] ------------------------ [b]Genders[/b]: Females [b]Species[/b]: Humans [b]Occupations[/b] Alice is a freshly turned werewolf, who just underwent her first change not to long ago, currently held captive by a mad family. Emma is constantly pestering a building known to house only Hunters, so she can finally get training. [b]Ages[/b]: Alice is 17, while Emma is 19 [img=http://www.motto.net.ua/large/201209/6694.jpg] [b]Appearances[/b]: Alice: -Blond hair -Emerald eyes -thin -5ft exactly Wolf Form: -Same colored eyes -Golden Fur -Is essentially just a very large wolf. Emma: -Brown hair -Brown eyes -Looks like she hasn’t eaten in a while, but muscled. -5ft 11in [b]Personalities[/b] Alice: -Considering suicide as a way to be free of this curse -Cautious -Unsure of herself -Timid -Generally friendly Emma: -Fiery -Determined -Abrasive…too put it mildly. -Stubborn as a mule is an understatement. [b]Biographies[/b]: Both Alice and Emma were born to a struggling farmer family, after his sons had all left or died. Their father had failing health, and more and more work was being put on their mother. As soon as Emma was old enough, she became the son of the household, helping her father and mother out as much as she was able. Marriage was out of the question, as they needed her too much on the farm to arrange a marriage to a city man, and there was no one left who could actually help on the farm. The rest of their neighbors had all either folded under the growing competition against bigger and more modern farms, or left to the city to seek a better life. Thus, Emma’s ‘womanly skills’ are pretty much nonexistent. Her father only had a crossbow and some old swords and knives for self defense, and she learned to use them as best she was able. Which means, she can shoot something and stab someone with it, but anyone with any degree of skill would beat her with one arm behind their backs and one eye closed? Still, she did the best she could, trying to support a failing farm, an ailing father, and an increasingly despondent mother. The situation only grew worse when Alice was born. As much as Emma loves her, she was just another problem on the farm. Still, Emma grew to be fiercely protective of her, even if she had her suspicions of who the actual father was. (That one traveler they housed in the barn was [i]very[/i] charismatic…) Regardless, things passed more or less smoothly for them up until about a week ago. They never knew if the attack was planned, or was just a werewolf losing control. Regardless, it came suddenly and very bloodily. The entire family was outside harvesting what tobacco they could from their rapidly diminishing crop, when they heard a howl. Everyone looked to see some monster, half man, half wolf, charging. Their mother was the first one to go, tackled down and torn apart. She didn’t even have time to scream. Emma’s father shouted at her to get Alice inside and to safety, and began making his way towards his wife as fast as possible. Emma didn’t see what happened, but she could figure out, judging from the snarling and screaming she heard behind her as she forcibly pushed Alice to the house. They very nearly made it to the cellar, and safety, when the werewolf came chasing after them. Emma pushed Alice towards the cellar and tried to delay the beast. She was lucky, in a way. Rather than killing her, it knocked her out of the way. Hard. She never heard Alice’s scream bit her or the firing of flintlock pistols as the Hunters chasing the monster caught up with it. She never saw Alice run in the chaos, thinking she was dead and not wanting to be executed by the Hunters. She never saw the werewolf hole up in her house. She never saw the Hunter’s decide to burn it out, or the flames consume her house, or the werewolf throw the chest with the crossbow and what limited weaponry she had at a Hunter in a desperate escape attempt. She never saw it die, and the Hunters leave. No, she woke up to the burned out ruins of her home, the corpses of her parents and the werewolf, a scattered chest of weapons, and clear signs that her sister was still alive and had run away. She took what she could use and salvage from the wreckage, and left immediately. Of course, she lost the trail soon after, and had only one option left. Find the local Hunter’s house, and pester them until she could learn to track and hunt werewolves well enough to find her sister. It took her almost a week to do it, but she found them, and has been stubbornly returning every morning to make her case again, and again, and again. Alice, on the other hand, had a hellish week, terror and considering killing herself before she became a beast like all the other werewolves, of fever from infection on a cut on her arm she gained when falling away from the wolf as it bit her other arm, which was luckily put off by her transformation. When she finally came back into control of herself, she wasn’t in the middle of the woods, as she expected. Rather, she was in a cellar with other people, her infected arm was cleaned and bandaged, and she was told by someone that they were all trapped here, so that they could be ‘protected from the cruelty of the Hunters’. Realizing her situation broke what little self control Alice had left. She broke down and sobbed, curling into a ball in a corner away from everyone else.