Liaena scooted over to plant herself firmly in between Vashi and Sharon, giving the elf a glare cold enough to freeze the sewer as she turned to look at both of them. “No, that’s okay.[b] I’ve got it”[/b] Although no harsh words were being flung as of yet, Liaena was not-so-subtly fuming to herself as she turned to Sharon and unrolled another length of bandage. Instead of using the acidic concoction she had unleashed on Serphia, she smeared a greenish tincture into the underside of the cotton pad after a long, close look at the injury to check for any diseases or poisons that could be taking effect. This felt chilly, and slightly slimy, but no burning pain. “Possibly, a better way of keeping him safe would be to [b]stop sending his bodyguards to chase shadows like crazed lemmings”[/b] “Li…” “I’m sorry, but you abandoned him earlier? Remember!?” Liaena brushed off Sharon’s beginning attempts at damage control to take a half step towards Serphia as her voice rose in anger. “You let everyone get split up, probably exactly as they had planned. You nearly got killed, and so did he. And now we were finally together, you send them all off AGAIN! FOR [b]ONE[/b] HUMAN! One. Normal. Human.” Liaena’s voice had dropped to an angry hiss as she paused over her final sentence. “One human. Meanwhile we have an undead, a ghast, whatever it was that beat [b]you[/b] up and a death knight all gunning for Sharon. You’re injured, so is Sharon, Vashi’s one mage and I don’t know what you expect me to do. I thought you were supposed to be a [i]tactician[/i]”