[b] Abram - The Storm/Bus - Jess [/b] Abram nodded when Jess asked for him to give her privacy. He sat in one of the seats after closing the bus door and bolting it shut. He stared out the windshield, his rifle beside him and his pistol in his hand. He smiled to himself before speaking up. "I- uh... I remember when my girl, Zoe, was little... she'd- she'd sit awake in her crib, cryin' and cryin', so my wife would sit up and rock her while I watched ESPN highlights..." The old man laughed softly. "I remember how I used to get so aggravated with that little girl, but then I'd look at her and she'd give me that two-toothed smile, and all that frustration would go away." "See, you're lucky, Jess. You don't need to be worryin' about if the girl your boy's gonna be with is some hussy in slinky clothes, or- or if she dresses well... Man when Zoe brought home her first boy..." Abram chuckled again. "I almost felt bad at how bad I scared the kid; showed 'em my rifle rack... I showed him my best targets... Then the two split... and- and she found herself another boy who followed her like a puppy.. and I showed him one of my deer heads mounted in my basement, an- and I said... 'Boy, you see that deer?' He nodded... I said, 'You see the empty plaque beside it?' Punk nodded again. 'You touch my little girl in any way that you wouldn't do right in front of my, I'll take ya head off and I'm 'a mount it beside my 10 point buck right here, understand me, son?' He nodded, but he went from blackskin to the color of a ghost, I'd been so hard on him." Abram shook his head, chuckling at the memories. "I'm gonna see if I can't get this piece'a junk to run..."