[b]Hank/Floyd/Seth - The Way Back - Heather[/b] Unexpectedly, Heather quickly came rushing to him. Hank didn't even have time to react to her motions for they were so fast. It was as though not even a second thought ran her mind at that time. That [i]separation[/i] they once had, the [i]distance[/i] seemed to have vanished. Her forehead lay on his chest. Her tears and sweat soaked his shirt, but he didn't feel the frigid water, instead, he felt heat. His chest burned rapidly as though his heart was bleeding out. His arms went numb so he couldn't assure her any form of safety. His eyes half-shut and his bottom lip hung loosely. He stared at the corner where Heather had been tortured. His eyes focused on the puddles of blood, the feet of the enemy, and could literally see the scene again and again, like a looping video. He couldn't get the image out of his head, it was like a curse at that moment. At this point, Hank had entered that same void from earlier, spacing out completely. He had his focus on one thing and everything in the environment had just disappeared. Seth was gone, Floyd was gone, and Heather too. There was nothing but a past memory playing over and over right before his droopy eyes. Suddenly Seth tapped Hank on the shoulder. "Hank!" he called out. "Hey man, let's get out of here" he stated. Apparently, Seth had already called Hank's name like five times before tapping him on the shoulder. That shows Hank's mental status at the moment, it was not stable. He didn't even hear Heather plea to him to leave the area. He had become a mindless corpse, but one that didn't seem to walk. As a second tap hit his shoulder, he seemed to react as though something had changed. "Let's go!" When Hank turned, he realized it wasn't Seth, but Floyd who had urged him to move. The redneck started walking down the hall after closing the front doors. "The exit's that way" he added, pointing at the exit sign on the ceiling. On their own, Hank's legs started to function, taking one step after the other like normal. Though movement began, his vision did not clear nor did his eyes change in any way. He was able to close his mouth and breathe normally, but other than necessary functions to get to the exit, there was nothing. On the other hand, Seth and Floyd seemed to be normal. Floyd more than Seth of course, but the two were in decent mental and physical shape. But it was obvious how Seth felt about the situation, his stare revealed everything. From time to time, he would just stare at Heather, wondering if she was alright. In his mind, she had actually been raped - of course, he didn't know all the details after all. He couldn't help but feel bad for her. Also, Seth didn't realize that Hank was in the shape he was because of what happened to Heather, he just thought Hank had been beat up, nothing else. Anyhow, as Heather approached Floyd and thanked him, the redneck just nodded. He continued to walk cautiously through the hall with the rifle in his hands. He had also took the opportunity to take everything he could from the men he had killed. He managed to get the weapons into his bag, a lighter, and a couple of mints. Either the men didn't have much, or everything else was at their camp somewhere. But right now, it wasn't the time to bring any of that up - they had to get back to the road. As they finally approached the exit, Floyd slowly opened the backdoor, seeing the rain still coming down hard. "What do you wanna do?" he asked Hank, closing the door again as the man decided. Hank just stared at Floyd blankly, trying to figure out what the guy had just asked. Once he did, he attempted to respond. "Hub.........." "I........I....don't.......know, I don't know" he responded, shaking his head side to side as he looked at the floor. Floyd bit his bottom lip at the answer, understanding there was nothing he could do right now to get him to snap out of it. Only he could escape that void, only him. "I say we just run for it" Seth stated for interpretation. "We can't stay here" he added while looking at Floyd for their next step. Floyd waited a second, thinking of their options - and they really didn't have any but one. He opened the exit door and had everyone run into the rain. "Let's go!" he snarled, running through the rain and leading the group back towards the road. Suddenly, as expected, he saw something coming from his right. So he turned left and ran in another direction. Hank was the last in the line, following without reason - somehow he kept up. Another figure appeared to the left, and another. Walkers were coming out of the other buildings and strayed cars. "C'mon!" Floyd yelled, picking up speed. Seth followed right behind the redneck, making sure Heather followed behind him. But suddenly, he was forced to stop when he noticed Hank had stopped following them. He tried to look through the rain, but just couldn't find him. "Hank?! Where the hell is Hank?" he cried out. Floyd looked back and also lost the man. He growled and told Seth to run in a certain direction with Heather. Seth argued at first, but Floyd reassured him it was the only option. "GO! I'll get him!" he ordered. And with that, Seth and Heather were the ones going towards safety.