Smitten Kitten turned when she heard a gunshot behind her. While she should have kept running, she saw no one there. The only thing left behind was many little blue gem-like orbs. Experience points. Her mysterious savior didn't even bother to stick around to collect. Smitten Kitten took what she could from the death of the Dissolution and continued on her path towards the black king's castle. Now that she thought about it, perhaps she should make a better plan for fighting the Black King. If a Dissolution could put her on the ropes, what hopes could she have if the Black King took her by surprise? Not to mention that she didn't really have much skills in dueling. All her kills were gained by setting up traps and killzones or through her befriended ally. Speaking of allies, how was Smitten Kitten suppose to fight at her full efficiency if she didn't have any alley with her? Her Befriend ability only works on existing monsters, and the black city was oddly clear of hostiles. If she was lucky she could try to take over someone's demons like before, or maybe someone's undead minion. Be better if she had actual people to protect her while she set up the field with her traps though. As Smitten Kitten walked towards the black king's tower she heard the truck from before approaching. It drove up to her and eventually stopped. She could hear someone inside asking her if she wanted a ride while Smitten Kitten looked at the person standing on the truck. For some reason, Smitten Kitten couldn't tell what class or level the player was, only that she was called Corpse Collector. [i]"How morbid."[/i] Also also though the person was rather keeper, including the driver. Even though this was a game, even Smitten Kitten knew not to get inside unknown vehicles. "I'm not suppose to ride with strangers." Smitten Kitten said plainly as she continued to walk towards the black king's tower.