Shadows danced around the room, corners vague and uncertain, as if the realm was uncertain of its own boundaries and limits, if the place even had such things. The darkness would be disconcerting to many, but not its main occupant, a Dark Eldar, but to her, we shall not focus yet. Her room was fairly bare, lacking the trophies and ornemantation that many others of her kind favored. Indeed, one could almost find such barren and cold quarters more unsettling then the shadows that danced and weaved about the place, concealing more than most would dare wish to see, a small boon to those that might indeed find themselves visiting such a place. Kaillan Veskara stood in the room center, holding a position over the corpse of a recent sacrifice, one that would slake her hunger, and the hunger of others, for a time, although fresh blood and suffering were always needed, and the more she spilt, and the more pain she caused, the longer her life and longevity would carry the female. Indeed, while the long ritual blade was held firm in her hand, her form was accented and held lithe by the ghostplate that encased it, a fact that was noticed by a man who was sent by the Prince of this vessel, one who claimed that he was requesting her presence in the boarding areas, that would be no doubt seeing use soon then. Veskara wasted no time, reclaiming both her electro corrosive whips and her splinter pistol as well, and moved with the hastened grace that even the fallen Dark Eldar so easily retained, compared to the clumsy fools of the mortal humans who scurried about, looking to gain the favor and place of other, lesser beings who posed as gods. But such things were not in the place of a mind heading to war, indeed, as she arrived ahead of the human prince, she found herself waiting. But, before long, he indeed arrived, and she greeted the human with a bow of her head, slightly, with all of her notable weapons and armaments holstered, speaking in a whispered tone that carried all too well. "What is your need of me master?"