X It seems we have a watermelon mage... yes it is a mage but it doesn't grasp the ability to perform anything out of the ordinary. It appears do a bit of nothing at all in fact besides for growing and existing. Scientists are looking into this to see if one could actually obtain more than typical meal from the melon, but to obtain actual mana in addition to one's own. Another theory is that the melon's aura or mana won't be part of the consumer's mana, but would act as a separate mana type. That could actually try consuming the host's mana supply. That is to say until the melon of meloness is digested and exits the body completely, but this is uncertain. If the melon's mana is left in the host's body, would it continue to consume the host's mana till there was nothing left? Without mana in the body would the body continue to live on the melon's mana or would the body need to produce it's own to survive? X *Wants to join before reading anything* Yo you get my message on facebook yet? I see the locals here like ya. Getting your name out there huh? Your pretty well known now huh? huh? Your not saving your work someplace? But another hack might happen! We don't want Dr.Professor Jacob to not get his bread! EDIT: #teamj8 Anyhow I'm still not eligible to join at this point in my life yet. You know using google's great autocorrect still,(<--coma no coma?) to say eligible. I'll look at this as I'm finding more free time recently, but life is still unorganized for me here with the family. So we'll see. So keep up the writing and all that and this good stuff or suff why not. I hope to see big things from you man anyhow this is a cheesy post with cheddar underneath(not on top FOOL!) to tell you that YOU GOT THIS!!!