Wincing at the heavy impact of another body falling onto the rump of the horse, Haruka turned around to see Claire in quite some pain. She cast her gaze upwards, at the window that the Commando must have jumped from, before wagging her finger. [b]“You should know better,”[/b] the masked girl chastised jokingly, [b]“didn’t real life tell you that there was only pain to be found when you fall from a building?”[/b] Well, at least this was only virtual reality. It’d have been pretty awkward if the realistic reaction of shattering her crotch-bones had happened to someone as lovely as Claire. It’d also have been problematic if Distant Sage had decided to follow in the footsteps of Aimless Amnesty, but luckily, the Chinese girl had a more grounded head on her shoulders. After she had mounted, the White King was about to kick off and gallop into the sky (they were FLYING mecha rainbow horses, after all), when suddenly, a random Orange King appeared. Luckily, she hadn’t spurred her horse on yet, so Bowed Woods wouldn’t be trampled over…for now. While Meilin did express her annoyance at the Orange-trio that was getting in the way, three of White Terror’s green-ring eyes shot her a glance that told her to play nice. [b]“Well, Woody, haven’t seen Rider for quite some time, and hey, considering she’s opening her doors to everyone, thought it’d be a good idea to catch up. You know what they say, time heals all wounds~ Hopefully she got over her little grudge against me as well, but, well, we’ll see. There’s also that saying of ‘keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’ too.”[/b] Tilting her head to the side, all six of the eyes on her mask focusing on the unassuming Orange King, she asked, [b]“Of course, if all you’re here for is a free ride to the Nation of Darkness and Blackness and Despair, you're in luck!”[/b] With a quick flick of the Guild Bank interface, another flying mecha rainbow horse materialized in front of them, and White Terror spoke cheerily,[b] “It’s a tight squeeze since it’s three of you, but it’ll be fine!”[/b] Of course, there was still a spare horse in the bank, but she thought it’d be funnier to see all three of them clumped up on one of those horses.