"That;s me, ha haha......" Oh god, he was not going to become the one known as the guy in the headlock was he? "No, I needed some fresh air. The night sky always has a way of calming my nerves. I've never seen so many people under one roof, it's a little much for me to take in all at once." Just then a teacher walked by the window. "There you are. So you were the one in the garden playing that flute." >:/ Regi was about to ask how did he know that when a few leafs fell from him.........he tried to laugh it off while the teacher tapped his fingers on the window frame. "Your first day here and already cauzing trouble. I know your type. I'll be keeping my eye on you. You keep causing trouble and I'll make sure the principal hears about this." >:/ With that he walked off. "......Yes.......thank you................." Regi collapsed with a defeated look on his face. Worst first day ever!