It felt disgusting leaving Aubrey's mother behind, but the woman had made the choice herself and their odds of escaping would dramatically increase without her. So, Isaac just silently grit his teeth and followed Varren out the back as they tried to make their escape. Once he saw that they would be darting through the streets and around corners, he made it a point to grab hold of Emery's hand and hold on tight; the last thing they needed was the poor girl stumbling into a guard and getting them all caught. It soon became obvious that Varren's guns were not just for show. In a matter of minutes he systematically took out a group of guards with a chilling display of professionalism. Isaac had seen dead bodies before -- working on major aura generators in Kuiper wasn't exactly what one would call "safe" work, especially in some of the older buildings -- but he had never been unfortunate enough to see one person willfully kill another. He just averted his eyes and tried not to think too much about what had just happened, or about the kind of people they would be taking refuge with. Instead, while Varren was taking care of business, he glanced over to Emery and Aubrey to see how they were doing. He wasn't sure what Aubrey had seen over in Kuiper, but he was pretty sure that everything that was going on was pretty shocking for Emery. Finally, they managed to pass through the chaotic town square and slip in the woods. "Emery might know a hidden path to keep us out of sight," Isaac suggested before Varren plunged them into another firefight.