[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/wwlov4.png[/img][/center] The missing people, Lenore's words, all of it began falling into place like pieces of a jumbled up jigsaw puzzle. "Unbelievable," Audrey shook her head a little before focusing on Lenore. "Who hasn't heard about it?" Lately people had been going missing and the news had been spreading around the country like wildfire. The disappearances weren't just happening in the city, it was a global phenomenon that nobody could explain. Some people chalked it up to alien abductions while the more rational ones said it could have been a mass kidnapping or terrorists. Feh, it looked like the alien believers were in a way right. "Bodies never found, people just up and disappearing," Audrey paused, "it's all over the news, I couldn't miss it even if I lived under a rock." She listened to Lenore talk a bit more then looked around to see a bus filled with strange creatures. "I think we're the only humans here..." she trailed off and chewed down on her lip. It was starting to make sense, but she didn't want to believe all this. Blaming it on alcohol or anything else would have been a lot easier. Magic...yeah, this was, to put it lightly, weird as hell. "You know that most of the missing people are never found, right?" The girl's eyebrows were drawn together and she sighed. "Lenore, right? We need to find a way of out this place...if we stay for too long, who knows what will happen." Those that came back usually had a few screws loose, and she didn't want to end up as one of them. "Come on, we have a lot of ground to cover." Audrey turned away from her schoolmate and started walking down the sidewalk. As they walked on, the buildings grew eerier and the creatures appeared darker, the once bright lines turning into hues of red and purple. Audrey scrunched up her nose in distaste but walked on anyway, a few shadowy figures in coats marched past them and the tension in the air was palpable. --- [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/ao59v8.png[/img][/center] Nikolai wasn't too fond of alcohol, but at this point, Carlos' glass looked very tempting. He shut his eyes and counted quietly to ten before nodding at his schoolmate's question. In the news, people rarely ever made it back. "Is there a way out of here?" The question felt heavy in his mouth and he hoped and prayed that Dominick would say yes, if the answer was a no, Niko didn't know what he'd do. Dominick drummed his fingers on the table and the seconds felt more like days. "Yes and no..." Niko's heart sunk into his stomach, "what do you mean?" "Well, technically there is a way to leap between our realm and yours. Ya see, recently, something freaky has been happening. Normally our worlds rest on different planes of existence but ever since two months ago, holes have been popping up here and there. When someone wonders into that wrinkle in dimensions they end up in your world or in your case, they end up here." He took another swig of alcohol, his cheeks were a light shade of pink and Dominick eased into the couch. "That's not supposed to happen. The worlds colliding will be catastrophic." Niko turned to Carlos with questioning eyes. If someone told him this the other day he would have laughed and told them that played way too many video games. But now, here he was, seated beside DJ Swagstar and some midget, discussing the end of the world. "Y'know those holes in reality I was talkin' bout?" He waited for the boys to look at him, "some of them are temporary, some of them move around, but if you can find one then you can get home. They've been becoming more common lately, I suggest you leave as soon as you can." He lowered his voice and Niko felt a chill run down his spine. "Not everyone can cross through and the longer you stay here, the harder it is to travel back to your own realm." "Are there any of these holes nearby..." Dominick gave them a grin, the alcohol slowly taking hold of him. "Lucky for you boys, I happen to know where one is." Propping his elbows on the table, he leaned close, and whispered. "Dark district on top of the abandoned office. If you can get to the rooftop, you should feel something strange. Place was abandoned cause of the portal, I'm not sure if it's still there...but it's worth a shot and it might be your only chance." He shrugged and took another swig, this time forgetting everything he had said about the world eventually coming to an end. Niko steeled himself, "well, we don't have much to lose," he held out his hand and nodded at Carlos. "What do you say?"