"Thanks.....I'll be going now." His face was drained of life. Hopefully some sleep would do him good. The next day everybody was assembled, weapons and all on the edge of the forest for their first official day of school activities. A teacher was explaining what their task was. "Your task for today is to find the old ruins deep inside the forest. You will all be working together, this is not a race. Once you are all at the ruins we will provide you with furder details. There are some monsters in the area so keep on your toes. This entire forest is being monitored but once you are in there we will not interfear unless we are given one of two reasons. One, you activate the distress becon we have supplied you all with, and two if your vital signs drop. Don't worry, there is nothing you can't handle in the forest as long as you are vigilant and don't take unnesasery risks. Do not enter the caves under any circumstances. Those areas are for advanced students, the testing grounds they are for experianced hunters only. Any questions?"