[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ENMawdn.png[/img][/center] Nikolai asked Dominick if there was a way out from this realm back to their realm and as Carlos would down his glass of Whiskey that he had waved for another beforehand. Domi would say that there was a way, but based on his tone, it was pretty complicated. Nikolai further asked for more details and Domi said that there was a way to leap from the dimension they were in now. He furthered his explanation and said that ever since two months ago or so, portals connecting this world and theirs have been popping up here and there and that their worlds colliding would be very, very bad. Carlos took all of this in and Niko would look to him as if wondering what he thought of it. Carlos would just stare back at him and then Domi would speak again about how the portals are temporary and move from location to location. Carlos did not like the sound of that one bit. He would further state that the longer that the humans stayed in the magical realm, the more difficult it was for them to return to their world. Thankfully for Niko and Carlos, Domi knew where one was and he would then say that it was up top of an abandoned office building in what he called the Dark District. Carlos thought about it and it wasn’t like they had much to lose on this. If they don’t get there in time, then it was most likely that they were stuck in the magical realm. If they made it, then great they would be able to go home. Niko would offer a hand and suggest they go. Carlos shrugged. [b]“Not like we have any better options.”[/b] Carlos shrugged as he took Niko’s offering hand and stood up. When Carlos took Niko’s hand, he would turn to Domi. [b]“So, where is this Dark District?”[/b] He asked him. Domi looked at him strangely. [b]“Where it’s dark, ya dork!”[/b] He said in a ‘Mr. Obvious’ kind of way. He would burp from the alcohol, and speak again. [b]“Just go where the colors are of red and violet. You should be able to find it--”[/b] He burped again, [b]“--there.”[/b] Carlos smiled and he and Niko would depart, not knowing what awaited them in the Dark District. Hopefully nothing too shady. ------ [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hId65CO.png[/img][/center] [b]“My head hurts.” [/b]Lenore grabbed her head. It was spinning and spinning, but not from the fact she was bleeding; that was just a minor cut. No, her head was spinning from all craziness. She just couldn’t handle it and to be quite honest, Lenore didn’t want to be in this realm. Even as Audrey would speak about the fact that they were probably the only humans in this place, she didn’t like it. Probably a shift from her usual self, but it had just dawned to her that she didn’t want to be here. Audrey suggested they get going, and she just followed. As she would, she noticed the buildings got a little more creepy as they continued. Truth be told, Lenore felt scared. She didn’t know if she and Audrey were going to get raped or worse yet..mugged! Yup, Lenore was getting freaked out and seeing those two shadowy figures didn’t help much ether. She would just try not to look them in the eyes and instead would wonder where they were going. [b]“Do you even know where we are going?”[/b] She asked Audrey.