Six could hear the gargled moans of men dying by choking on their own blood. The screams of someone dying, a small but noticeable explosion. Oofs and cries as flesh hit flesh. Bullets fired. Something that sounded like a hundred bumble bees buzzing at once. Then the smell of burned flesh. [i] Work with her, she needs some fun. I have to help the others! [/i] came gargoyle’s voice. Six frowned slightly, not thinking any of this gore one bit fun, but understood he was simply wanting Shin to let her help, before 080’s footsteps headed away. [i] Hey let’s get the fuck outta here! [/i] came another voice followed by a sickening pop. She cringed, but then felt a nudge to her elbow by Shin. [i] Six, four of them right in front of you. Feel free to take a hit at ‘em. Doesn’t look like any of their buddies are coming to help, ne?[/i] he had an interesting accent. She shrugged it off though and opened her eyes while looking straight ahead, trusting Shin’s judgment. Four men in her line of vision screamed for a brief second before being sliced in half and falling in a heap. She closed her eyes again and looked up at Shin, as if to ask if she did well. But then she just felt his grip and how he started moving. She followed naturally, hearing Shin start questioning someone new to the group apparently. She felt a bit bad she couldn’t properly greet anyone, so her brow furrowed slightly, just staying quiet as she was hopefully being led out of this awful place.