CS: Appearance:[img=http://au.hellocosplay.com/images/props/elemental-gelade-coud-van-giruet-boots-1.jpg] Name:Cole Age:18 Gender:Male Race:Human Role in Family:Son Powers:He can levitate to wherever he wants to go. 24/7 vision: He can see in the dark as if its daylight outside. Personality:Talkative and friendly he tries to make friends with people he doesn't even know and will usually try and wish someone a good day. He hates jerks though or people who outright ignore him, and in those cases he will either set them straight by talking to them or vent it off on someone else who will listen to him. Other:He loves playing guitar and he performs at a stage nearby in front of a small crowd for now. But he plans to play on a bigger stage to thousands. Also Family Forever!!!! :)